The creator of the first known forest school in 1952
Who is Ella Flautau?
Forest Curriculum emphasizes this over academics
What is Child-led learning?
where forest/nature school takes place
what is Urban greenspace, playgrounds, forests, creeks, prairies, mountains, shoreline, and tundras?
Forest Schools rely on this to support natural open-ended, creative play and learning
What is nature materials?
Where the first forest school "walking kindergarten" originated.
This curriculum fosters resilience through this
what is risk-taking/risky play?
learning outside in a forest school environment can promote these skills in children
What is confidence, sensory development, physical skills, and creativity and problem solving?
Incorporating these materials into Forest school activities to develop children's problem-solving skills
What are Nature loose part materials?
How the idea of Forest School formed
What happened when Flautau, her children and the neighbourhood children/families started gathering daily in the forest and noticed the great benefits?
How the Forest curriculum views children
What is innately competent, curious, and capable learners?
Forest/nature schools promote this by encouraging children to explore local wild spaces.
What is Reconnection with Nature?
Forest curriculum encourages the use of these tools for introducing risk management
What are Hand tools?
The term used to describe regular outdoor learning for older children
What is "Udeskole"?
What the Forest curriculum prioritizes
What is building reciprocal relationships with First Nations, Metis, and Inuit?
The forest schools Association guidelines recommend this for outdoor classrooms to ensure minimal environmental impact
What is leave no trace principles?
These materials are highly recommended in a Forest nature school for sensory exploration
What is mud, clay, and natural textures?