North American forests are made up of deciduous and coniferous trees. Which ones lose their leaves in the fall?

Deciduous. Coniferous trees are pines that are evergreen and keep their needles throughout the year.


What 1942 Disney movie focused on a young deer and his forest animal friends?

Bambi. The film was based on an Austrian novel written by Felix Salten and first published in 1923.


The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, written by Washington Irving, includes a frightening horseman haunting the woods near the town. What is the horseman missing?

His head. According to folklore, the horseman is a Hessian soldier who lost his head in battle and is forever searching for one to replace it.


What nonflowering forest plants function like a sponge and produce spores but have no true roots?

Moss. Mosses are a group of hearty ancient plants dating back 450 million years and have survived drastic climate changes throughout history.


How many points does a maple leaf have?

Five. The points are called lobes.


What “Last Frontier” state is home to two of the United States’ largest forests?

Alaska. The Tongass National Forest stretches across more than 17 million acres, and the Chugach National Forest covers more than five million acres.


In what western state would you likely find forests with redwood trees?

California. Redwood National Park’s forests are full of them.


What state is home to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, from which you can view Mount St. Helens volcano?

Washington. Its lakes and streams are home to many fish, including chinook salmon, coho salmon, and trout.


When camping in the forest, what should you hang from a tree to keep out of the reach of bears?

Food (or anything with a strong smell). When leaving the campsite, either take your garbage with you in the car or dispose of it in a bear-resistant trash can.


What national forest in Arkansas shares its O name with a regional mountain range?

Ozark. Its full name is Ozark-St. Francis National Forest.


What winged creatures call caves in the forest their home?

Bats. They fly, but they’re mammals.


Does Canada or the United States have the largest forest area in North America?

Canada. Forty percent of Canada is forest, and it has 10 percent of the global forest area.


What kind of trees are the oldest in the world: bristlecone pines, redwoods, or cypress trees?

Bristlecone pines. Redwoods are the second-oldest trees after the bristlecone pines. Great Basin bristlecone pines have been found to live over 5,000 years in some cases.


What type of groundcover are you likely to see in Arizona’s Tonto National Forest during the warmer months?

Wildflowers. It is considered an urban forest due to its proximity to Phoenix.


What type of pig might you run across in Missouri’s forests?

Feral hog or wild boar. You know it’s feral if it’s not marked for ownership.


What general type of tree leaves your lungs feeling refreshed after a walk through a forest? Hint: They are popular at Christmas.

Pine. They contain a compound that is found in bronchodilators used to treat asthma.


What type of wild animal is found in the forests of Canada and Alaska as well as on the Canadian 25-cent piece? Hint: It’s also a fixture during Christmas.

Reindeer or caribou. While we call it reindeer, the proper name is caribou.


What dog cousin is known for being a pack animal and can be found in Quebec’s forests?

Wolf. Did you know they hunt caribou?


Into the Woods is a musical with music and lyrics written by what famous Broadway composer?

Stephen Sondheim. The show was made into a film in 2014 and stars Meryl Streep and Anna Kendrick.


What is the term used to describe the loss or removal of trees through deliberate, natural, or accidental means: desertification, deforestation, or climate change?

Deforestation. Farming, forest fires, illegal logging, and more contribute to deforestation.


What western province in Canada produces the most wood and has the highest revenue in the forest industry?

British Columbia. In 2019, Canada exported $33 billion in forest products.


Unlike tropical or subtropical forests, what is a boreal forest known for withstanding?

Freezing temperatures. Boreal forests are full of wildlife that has adapted to a cold environment. These forests are found in Russia, Canada, and Alaska.


What Deep South state, known for its namesake river, has the most national forests in the United States?

Mississippi. It has six national forests.


What tree in Vermont forests is the tree that gives us syrup?

Maple. It is also the state tree of Vermont.


Does the United States have more or fewer than 100 national forests?  

More. There are 154 protected areas known as national forests.