science of trees
farming etc.
pest control

The term commercial forest means that the ___.

a. land is capable of producing economically useful trees

b. land produces only commercial size harvestable trees

c. government owns a majority of the saleable timber

d. timber companies own a majority of the forestland

a. land is capable of producing economically useful trees


The trunk as well as the branches and roots grow in diameter by means of cell division in the ___.

a. cambium layer

b. heartwood

c. sapwood

d. outer bark

a. cambium layer


Alternate, opposite, and whorled describe...

a. leaf type

b. needle type

c. twig branching

d. tree classification

c. twig branching


To be certified as a tree farm, one must manage ___ or more acres of the forestland to produce timber. 

a. 5

b. 10

c. 50

d. 100

b. 10

A process which remove injured, disease, or insect-infested trees is called...

a. liberations

b. salvage cuttings

c. sanitation cuttings

d. thinning

c. sanitation cuttings


Who owns the majority of commercial forestland?

a. forest product industries

b. local, state, and federal government

c. private individuals

d. timber harvesters

c. private individuals


A tree with a crown in the general canopy level but with little direct light from the side is called a/an ___ tree. 

a. codominant

b. dominant

c. intermediate

d. suppressed

c. intermediate


The class of trees, Angiospermae, is made up of ___ trees. 

a. broadleaf

b. conifer

c. evergreen

d. hardwood

d. hardwood


Thinning is designed to...

a. concentrate growth on the best trees

b. reduce crown deity

c. reduce the number of trees in and immature stand

d. reduce the time period to the final harvest

a. concentrate growth on the best trees


Other than wildfires, which of the forest enemies are the most damaging?

a. diseases

b. insects

c. environment

d. wildlife

b. insects


Which of the following is not usually an economic factor associated with forest management?

a. cost of forest land

b. logging costs

c. timber supply and demand

d. wildlife resources in residence

d. wildlife resources in residence


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of trees to the environment?

a. increase pollutants to the environment

b. influences the climate

c. provide habitat to wildlife

d. provides oxygen to the atmosphere

a. increase pollutants to the environment


Arrangement, color, texture, type, size, and shape refer to ___ characteristics used in tree identification. 

a. bark 

b. fruit

c. leaf

d. twig

c. leaf


Professional foresters spend much of their time working with...

a. a bulldozer 

b. a chainsaw

c. mechanical tree planter

d. people

d. people


Caterpillars are an examples of ___ who may destroy all or part of the leaf...

a. bark borers

b. defoliators

c. sap suckers

d. tip feeders.

b. defoliators


The most expensive timber management activity is...

a. estimating (cruising)

b. hand planting

c. marketing

d. site preparation

d. site preparation


The inner core of a woody stem, wholly composed of non-living cells, darker in color than its outer layer is the...

a. cambium layer

b. heartwood

c. sapwood

d. outer bark

b. heartwood


Roots which grow vertically downward and anchor the trees are...

a. feeder roots and root hairs

b. lateral roots

c. surface roots

d. tap roots

d. tap roots


A fire that has been start intentionally by a forester to be used as a management tool is a...

a. crown fire

b. prescribed burn

c. surface fire

d. wildfire

b. prescribed burn


The cause of Heart rot and Dutch elm disease is...

a. bacteria

b. fungus

c. parasites

d. virus

b. fungus


Timber sold on the basis of so much per thousand board feet or cords is sold as...

a. individual tree

b. lump sum

c. tree scale

d. weight

c. tree scale


The function of the phloem in the tree is to...

a. develop leaves from nutrients

b. conduct water and minerals from leaves to the branches, trunk, and roots

c. grow wood and bark cells

d. produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis

b. conduct water and minerals from leaves to the branches, trunk, and roots


Roots which grow horizontally and keep the tree upright are... 

a. feeder roots and root hairs

b. lateral roots

c. surface roots

d. tap roots

b. lateral roots


Which of the following trees has opposite leaves, 5 to 9 sharp pointed leaflets and diamond bark? 

a. ash

b. hickory

c. pecan

d. black walnut

a. ash