Marriage and Unions
Family Dynamics
Cultural Heritage
Group Behavior

Common-law unions are also called this.

What are consensual unions?


Siblings means this.

What are brothers and sisters?


This family socialization includes parents and children playing with each other

What is recreational activity?


The wearing of uniforms to school is influenced from which Ethnic group that came to the Caribbean

What is Europeans


The name given to a group formed by children of all the same age.

What is a peer group?


Another name for marriage.

What is matrimony?


Brothers and sisters living alone, live in this type of household.

What is a sibling household?


The term is used to describe adolescents challenging adults' views and attitudes due to age and experience differences.

What is the generation gap?


The rich cultural heritage of the Caribbean can be best explained by the influence of 

What is the influence of various ethnic groups?


A class of students in a school is this type of group where rules are followed and they wear uniforms can be classified as this 6 letter group type

What is a formal group?


The term pre-marital means this.

What is before marriage?


This type of family structure is formed when Lloyd invites his mother to live with his wife, his two sons, and himself after his father's death.

What is an extended family?


The custom of parents selecting future husbands and wives for their children is called

arranged marriages 


In which of the following ways is the cultural heritage of the Caribbean most likely to be transmitted from one generation to another: A) travelling, B) painting, C) cooking, D) storytelling?

 D) storytelling


Members of a formal group are more easily identified than those of an informal group because of this.

What is formal groups having written rules?


The money which the courts order a spouse to pay his/her spouse is called this.

What is alimony?


A new baby in the family often causes other children to have this feeling of envy also known as 

What is jealousy?


The money which the courts order a spouse to pay his/her spouse is called this.

What is alimony?


Soca music is a mixture of Calypso and this other music genre

what is Chutney


Which of the following terms refer to the accepted pattern of behavior in a particular situation: norms, roles, functions, or values?

What are norms?


Procreation is the term used for this.

What is reproducing children?


The type of care associated with the elderly.

What is geriatric care?


Which of the following is least likely to be a concern for adolescents in the family: 

A) coping with their emotional problems

B) communicating with adults in the home 

C) providing financial support for the home

D) balancing academic and social activities?

C) providing financial support for the home


The Art of Barbecuing in the Caribbean derived from this ethnic group

What is Amerindians


Which of the following attributes is a characteristic of a secondary group: formed based on similar interests?

What is an interest group