Causes of the Revolutionary War
Declaration of Independence
Famous Figures
The war over the control of the Ohio River Valley which left Britain needing money.
French and Indian War
How many parts does the Declaration have?
This battle was the first Battle of the American Revolution. The Redcoats were going to seize the American weapons. In this battle “the shot that was heard around the world” became famous.
Lexington and Concord
Examples of ___________________ are musket balls and gunpowder.
I was the Ruler of Britain during the American Revolution. I made harsh laws for the Colonists. I had a reputation for being unfair.
King George III
The event at which the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mohawk Indians and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.
Boston Tea Party
9. How was The Declaration of Independence a response to tyranny of the King?

a. The Declaration of Independence clearly stated the charges against the King and how unfair he had been to the Colonists by taxing them without giving them a voice in the decision making.

b. The Declaration of Independence was written in order to show the King how thankful they were for the kindness he had shown the Colonists.

c. The Declaration of Independence was written to show the King that the Colonies would now be given to France and they would live under France’s rule.
a. The Declaration of Independence clearly stated the charges against the King and how unfair he had been to the Colonists by taxing them without giving them a voice in the decision making.
This battle, which was in New York, became significant because the French and the Spanish joined in alliance with the Colonists giving them much needed money and supplies.
A colonist who supported the British was a __________________________ .
I was a great leader of the American people. I was the Commander of the Continental Army. I became the first President of the United States
George Washington
A law that placed taxes on printed items.
Stamp Act
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
This battle ended the war. Cornwallis was forced to surrender.
A ___________________was an American soldier who supported the Revolution against the British.
I persuaded the French to help the Patriots. I helped write the Declaration of Independence. I wrote the Albany Plan along with a cartoon with the caption “Join or Die!”
Benjamin Franklin
Also known as the Coercive Acts, these acts were a response to the Boston Tea Party. They included the Boston Port Act and the Quartering Act.
Intolerable Acts
12. The Declaration of Independence said, "All men are created equal." What did this mean to the colonists?

a. Only certain people should have freedom.

b. The people were as important as the king.

c. The 13 colonists wanted to remain dependent.

d. George Washington was a great leader during the Revolution.
b. The people were as important as the king.
Write the three battles in chronological order (first to last).
Lexington and Concord, Saratoga, Yorktown
The French ______________________ of British ships helped the Patriots win the war.

desert, militia, blockade
I helped write the Declaration of Independence and I wrote the Treaty of Paris. I was George Washington’s Vice President and I was the 2nd President of the United States.
John Adams
Put the following events in chronological (order in time) order:

Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party, French and Indian War, Stamp Act
French and Indian War, Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts
8. Why was the Declaration of Independence necessary?

a. It was necessary for Britain and the Colonists to join in unity.

b. It was necessary in order for the Colonists to formally break away from England and establish independence.

c. It really was not necessary – the King was a great leader.
b. It was necessary in order for the Colonists to formally break away from England and establish independence.
This battle is known as the "turning point" of the Revolutionary War because the Patriots started winning the war after this battle.
The ________________________ was an agreement signed by the French and Americans during the American Revolution.

Treaty of Paris 1783 or Treaty of Alliance
Treaty of Alliance
I once was a great American General. I was known as a traitor because I accepted money for being a British Spy.
Benedict Arnold