Light Energy
Heat Energy
Sound Energy
Electrical Energy
Circuits and Conductors

What type of energy is converted into light in a light bulb?

A. Solar

B. Heat

C. Electrical

D. Mechanical 

C. Electrical


Dean has a lamp, candle, and a flashlight.  All of them create light energy from electrical or chemical energy.  What other type of energy do they create?

A. Sound energy

B. Nuclear energy

C. Mechanical energy

D. Heat energy

D. Heat energy


Which of the following would produce sound energy?

A. Sun

B. Fire

C. Drum

D. Windmill

C. Drum


Tom's mother has asked him to vacuum the carpet in his bedroom. Tom carries the vacuum cleaner upstairs and plugs it into the outlet.  He vacuums the carpet and then puts it away.  What form of energy supplies power to the vacuum to clean the carpet?

A. Electrical energy

B. Magnetic energy

C. Chemical energy

D. Sound energy

A. Electrical energy

Phil need to choose an item to use as the conductor in a circuit he is making.  Which of the following items would be the best choice for a conductor of electricity?

A. Glass bead

B. Plastic straw

C. Metal coin

D. Wooden toothpick

C. Metal coin


The light bulb in Connor's room has just burned out.  His father comes in to change the light bulb and notices that the bulb is still hot when he touches it.  What types of energy are released by the light bulb?

A. Heat energy and mechanical energy

B. Heat energy and light energy

C. Light energy and sound energy

D. Mechanical energy and electrical energy

B. Heat energy and light energy


A space heater is a device that people use to heat a room in their home.  It transforms electrical energy into light and heat.  A space heater shows that which of the following is true?

A. Light always moves in the same direction

B. Light and heat travel in waves

C. Most things that give off light also give off heat

D. Light travels more slowly than heat

C. Most things that give off light also give off heat


Melanie is watching one of her favorite programs on television.  The television transforms electrical energy from an outlet into other kinds of energy.  What two types of energy are released by the television?

A. Chemical energy and magnetic energy

B. Electrical energy and solar energy

C. Light energy and sound energy

D. Sound energy and nuclear energy

C. Light energy and sound energy


What energy change occurs when an electric stove is turned on?

A. Electrical energy is converted to heat energy

B. Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy

C. Mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy

D. Mechanical energy is converted to heat energy

A. Electrical energy is converted to heat energy


How can you tell whether an electric circuit is constructed correctly?

A. Current would flow through the circuit

B. The circuit would expand and contract

C. The temperature of the circuit decreases

D. Friction in the circuit would increase

A. Current would flow through the circuit


Solar panels are usually made of black materials instead of lighter colored materials.  Why is black the best color to use to collect solar energy?

A. Black materials scatter the most light from the Sun

B. Black materials reflect the most light from the Sun

C. Black materials refract the most light from the Sun

D. Black materials absorb the most light from the Sun

D. Black materials absorb the most light from the Sun

Ann has left her juice on the picnic table.  The juice absorbs energy from the sunlight and becomes warm very quickly.  What is the best way to measure how much energy from the Sun has been transferred to the juice?

A. Measure the change in volume

B. Measure the change in mass

C. Measure the change in density

D. Measure the change in temperature


D. Measure the change in temperature


A rubber band in stretched to two different lengths.  Rubber band A is stretched to 12 cm and rubber band B is stretched to 5 cm.  What would you predict about the pitch of the sound of rubber band B compared to rubber band A?

A. Higher

B. Louder

C. Lower

D. Softer

C. Lower


Which of the following devices converts electrical energy into motion?

A. A television set

B. An electric stove

C. A turntable

D. A stoplight

C. A turntable


When a circuit is made up of a battery, a bulb, and a wire, how should the wire run to the light up the bulb?

A. The wire should run either from the bulb to the battery of from the battery to the bulb

B. The wire should run from the bulb to the battery and from the battery to the bulb

C. The wire should run from the bulb to the battery only

D. The wire should run from the battery to the battery only

B. The wire should run from the bulb to the battery and from the battery to the bulb


Without the Sun, no living creatures would be able to survive on Earth.  Which of the following best describes why the Sun is so important to life on Earth?

A. The Sun provides energy in the form of electricity

B. The Sun provides energy in the form of heat and light

C. The Sun heats up Earth's liquid core

D. The Sun keeps comets from crashing into Earth

C. T

B. The Sun provides energy in the form of heat and light


Anna prepared a cup of hot chocolate by mixing milk, sugar, and cocoa powder together.  She stirred the hot chocolate and noticed that the metal spoon became warm.  What best describes the transfer of energy that occurred?

A. Electrical energy was transferred from the hot chocolate to the spoon

B. Chemical energy was transferred from the hot chocolate to the spoon

C. Heat energy was transferred from the hot chocolate to the spoon

D. Mechanical energy was transferred from the hot chocolate to the spoon

C. Heat energy was transferred from the hot chocolate to the spoon


Amanda pulls a metal wire tight. Liam plucks the wire and it vibrates. Which form of energy would the vibrating wire produce? 

A. Sound

B. Light

C. Heat

D. Electrical

A. Sound


When does the burner on an electrical stove become hot?

A. When electrical energy is converted to heat energy

B. When heat energy in converted to electrical energy

C. When electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. When heat energy is converted into mechanical energy

A. When electrical energy is converted to heat energy


Robert makes ana electric circuit that has a switch as one of its parts.  What will happen to the light bulb if Robert changes the switch from closed to open?

A. It would be duller

B. It would be brighter

C. It would stop glowing

D. It would start glowing

C. It would stop glowing


Which of the following is visible to a person only because light from another source reflects off it? 

A. Lightning

B. Flashlight

C. Cloud

D. Sun

C. Cloud


When Emily's family went camping, her dad built a fire in the middle of the campsite.  Which two forms of energy does the burning fire release?

A. Magnetic energy and nuclear energy

B. Light energy and mechanical energy

C. Heat energy and nuclear energy

D. Heat energy and light energy

D. Heat energy and light energy


The air conditioning went out in Owen's house.  He switched on the ceiling fan to keep himself cool at night.  What is one type of energy that turned the blades of the fan?

A. Radiant energy

B. Mechanical energy

C. Nuclear energy

D. Sound energy

B. Mechanical energy


In order to power an elevator, a motor must convert electrical energy into which other type of energy?

A. Nuclear energy

B. Light energy

C. Mechanical energy

D. Thermal energy

C. Mechanical energy


A screwdriver consists of two parts: a plastic handle and a copper wire.  Which statement accurately describes the parts of the wire?

A. Copper and plastic are both good insulators

B. Copper and plastic are both good conductors

C. Copper is a good insulator, while plastic is a good conductor

D. Copper is a good conductor while plastic is a good insulator

D. Copper is a good conductor while plastic is a good insulator