In this type of government, power is held by the people.
What is Democracy
The United Kingdom is an example of this government ruled by a king or queen.
What is Constitutional Monarchy
In an autocracy this many people rule.
What is one person.
In the early 1920's, the United States attempted to have a monarchy.
What is False
This state is known as the Granite State with the state fruit being a pumpkin.
New Hampshire
This government is ruled by one person. Government is in power through military force.
What is Dictatorship
The United States follows this form of government where the people choose.
What is Democratic Republic or Indirect Democracy
In an oligarchy this many people rule.
What is a small group of people. Often chosen by social class.
The United States is under a democratic government.
What is True
This country is the smallest and least populated country in the world.
By which a nation is ruled by a king or queen. Power is passed down through the ruling family
What is Monarchy
North Korea is an example of a country that is ruled by this autocratic form of government.
What percentage of power do people in a democracy have?
What is 100%
Men or Women can rule in countries that have monarchies.
What is True? (kings and queens)
This state is currently under fire - literally
A form of government controlled by people who base the nation's laws on religious ideas
What is Theocracy
Vatican City in Italy is an example of this religion ruled government.
In a direct democracy how do people rule?
What is people rule by voting on each issue.
Italy has the only known functioning monarch to date.
What is False
This country is also a continent.
What is Australia
A chaotic situation in which there is no government...which means no stability.
What is Anarchy
This country is known for having anarchy as their form of government.
If you were in a constitutional monarchy, kings and queens would rule, but they are limited by what?
What is a constitution.
Though not used often, this chaotic form of government (anarchy) is proven to work best of all forms.
What is false
This country is located in two different continents.