k 12
After High School

Grade point average; average grade earned by a student, converted to a fourpoint scale

What is a GPA 


Only ___ % of jobs will hire you without a High School Deploma. 

That would be 10% of the jobs. 


Amount of money an individual should be able to earn in his or her career.  Well into the futur 

What is, or will be your Earning Potential


Undergraduate degree requiring 60 to 80 credit hours and typically taking two

years of full-time study to complete

What is a Associate Degree, or an AA


___% of students will drop out of high school before graduation. 

What is 30%


General equivalency diploma; certificate considered equivalent to a high school diploma, earned by passing a test

What is a GED


Entering the work place with many skills will help you earn more___________? 

What is Money 


A process of building and utilizing beneficial, professional relationships.

What is Networking



Undergraduate degree requiring 120 to 140 credit hours and typically taking

four years of full-time study to complete; also known as baccalaureate degree

What is a Bachelor’s Degree, or a BA


What is one of Ms. Stacey's pet peeeeevs

throwing pencels i he celling, tagging, going behind her desk


Term meaning anyone with a high school diploma or GED is admitted

What is Open Admissions, is welcome to enrole 


Optional level of schooling beyond what is required by law; also known as higher education or tertiary education; includes all education beyond the high school level, such as vocational training and college

What is Post-Secondary Education 


series of related jobs based on knowledge, training tasks, preformed, and experiance.

What is a career


Term used to describe the fundamental level of academic post-secondary education; includes associate level and bachelor’s level; may be used to

udescribe the degrees, courses, students, etc.

What is Undergraduate


How many days of orintaion is required?

two weeks or 10 days 


Program created and controlled by The College Board® in which introductory college-level courses are taught in high schools; also known as AP. whats AP stand for?

What is Advanced Placement 


Earned to verify qualification to perform a job; awarded by organizations or

institutions; considered voluntary

What is a Professional Certification


Giving time, money, good or services to others  

What is contrabution


Term used to describe the advanced level of academic post-secondary education; 

includes master’s level and doctoral level; may be used to describe the degrees, courses, students, etc.

What is a Graduate


Name two online programs that Sunol school offers?

Pearson, or Odysseware


Program allowing students to enroll in college courses for credit while still in high school

What is Dual Enrollment 


Earned to verify qualification to perform a job; awarded by government

agencies; required by law for some careers

What is a Professional License


If you work more then your agreed hours, say 8 hours a day.  You should recieve for the extra hours or time worked.

What is over time pay 


Graduate degree requiring 30 to 72 credit hours after the bachelor’s degree is earned, as well as possibly requiring a written thesis or dissertation; typically takes two to three years of full-time study to complete

What is a Master’s Degree


Who is the staff that you have to meet with before meeting with Mr. Sanchez for a work permit. 

AND who admisters the testing here at Sunol?

Who is Norma, no for real who is Norma


Who is Shavon