The best player at breaking the game/the king of fortnite memes is...
The weapon that has been in every season is the...
AR/Assault Rifle
The name of Season 5 is...
Worlds Collide
_eta_l R_w
Retail Row
The Worlds greatest fortnite player is...
The First ever mythic item in Battle Royal mode in Fortnite is...
The Infinity Blade
The name of Chapter 2 Season 4 is called...
The Nexus War
C_l_sal C_op_
Colosal Crops
The worlds most famous ban is on what player's name...
Faze Jarvis
The most fastest gun is called the...
The name of Chapter 2 Season 5 is called...
Zero Point
_on_y B_rb_s
Boney Burbs
The Worlds Most Iconic fortnite player is...
The first mythic primal weapon this season is called the...
The spire assassins primal shotgun
The name of Chapter 2 Season 6 is...
D__m_ Do_a_ne
The Worlds most Famous and Nutoreous stream sniper is...
The Idea for the Combat Shotgun is from what weapon...
The Pump Shotgun
The name of Chapter 2 Season 2 is called...
The Agency
St__k _ndus_ies
Stark Industries