This is the only shotgun to have 2 different appearances, and they change by Rarity.
Pump Shotgun
This POI is from C5 S1, and was cherished out of existence by a huge orange mountain.
Hazy hillside
This boss drops an assault rifle as well as a metaboloid that almost works as infinite mini shield potions, constantly healing you to 50 Shields. The AR this boss dropped was vaulted after C5 S1.
This shotgun from chapter 4 is an exotic variant of the Heavy shotgun and is black with a red outline.
Heisted breacher shotgun
This common type of creative map consists of a small enclosed map. Usually you are given 500 Wood, 100 Brick, and 100 metal, as well as a pump shotgun and a legacy assault rifle.
This skin from chapter 1 season 1 is infamously hard to get and frankly, isn’t very cool looking either.
Renegade raider
This popular POI from C1 S1 was frequently joked about among the internet due to the entire lobby landing there.
Tilted towers
These extremely underrated drop spots all work together to be great for solos duos, and maybe even trios, with 4 minor POIs within 300 meters of each other and on the south end of the map (I beg to land here all the time)
Unmoored manor (Moogus Boogus)/Lovely lodge/orchard station/seaside villa
There’s the rocket launcher, the quad launcher which is a step up, and this weapon which is a step up from the quad launcher.
Burst Quad launcher
This type of creative map is virtually modded hide and seek. There are tons of games and maps that you can play this on, and it also has 2 teams.
Prop hunt
This POI shares a similar location to fencing fields, as well as a similar name.
Fatal Fields
This boss spot was far out of the way atop a snowy mountain far from other POIs, therefore virtually nobody would land there compared to the other boss spots.
Grand Glacier
This drop spot was overpowered for solos, but it WAS sort of contested. Normally after landing here you would rotate to fencing fields. This POI is no longer there as of C5 S2.
Underground Base
This item can be thought of as the mythic variant of the rusty can.
Mythic Goldfish
This map is commonly used for practice, where you can pick any loadout you want and infinite Mats. No skill weapons are unlocked each after playing for a specific amount of time or after a soecific amount of kills is reached.
The Pit
This quintessential spray gun is used in most box pvp maps.
Assault rifle
This minor POI is near mt. Olympus and for some reason in mid-end game it’s super contested, at least for us.
Lil villa
This POI has horrible loot, and is strangely contested for how bad and out of the way it is.
Rebels roost
When this item hits a player, it deals 75 damage and proceeds to explode dealing another 75. This weapon is classified as a sniper.
Excalibur Rifle
This type of creative map gives you only one weapon in your inventory and it changes for every kill. The round ends after someone reaches a specific amount of kills.
Gun Game
This gamemode was the original concept for Fortnite and was implemented to the game before battle royale.
Save the world
This POI held an NPC known for showing up on loading screens every time even though it’s set to random.
Frenzy Fields
This battle pass character from C5 S1 has an edit style “type” it shares with most C5 S2 battle pass characters.
This no-skill item is primarily for mobility, but also acts as an annoying stun with moderate damage.
Grapple Blade
This genre of creative maps is the type of BS Aiden makes us play. Commonly it’ll be dark and you won’t have any items.