What is the SMG that you hold two of. Introuduced Ch.5
What is Dual Micro SMGs
The famous landing spot that is created by lots of games.
What is Tilted Towers.
The loved AR from OG Fortnite does 98 damage.
What is Golden Scar.
The purple grenade that bounces you.
What is the shockwave grenade.
The OG skin that isn't rare anymore but used to be the rarest.
Who is the Renegade Raider.
A SMG introuduced in Ch.1 the OG SMG.
What is the Tactical Submachine Gun.
Moon shaped island Ch.4 Season 4
What is Relentless Retreat.
Scoped Ch.6 AR.
What is the Holo Twister AR.
An Epic moving item that has ten "ammo"
What is the grappler.
Skin that is one of the rarest and is an artist.
Who is Travis Scott.
Has a version of itself where it's Exotic.
What is the Compact SMG.
Mentioned in Chug Jug with you, is a lake.
What is Loot Lake.
This should be easy, literaly called what it is.
What is the Assault Rifle.
Ch.6 movment item that you throw and appear there once you shoot for controller.
What is Void Oni Mask.
This OG skin is very noticable, if you have this skin you like fruit.
Who is Peely.
The gun you get by defeating the Inkquisitor Boss, a Mythic weapon Ch.3
What is the Inkquisitor's Suppressed SMG.
The farm Fortnite added. There are also a fork and a knife engraving in the dirt.
What is Fatal Fields.
A weapon that fires three beams in Ch.5 season 3
What is Tri Beam Laser Rifle.
This item you can attack with and move with brought BACK to Fortnite in Ch.6
What is the Kinetic Blade.
This character has two skins and was is one of the coolest skins. Marvel Series. Is green.
Who is Doctor Doom.
The best Exotic SMG in the game.
What is the Exotic Heisted Blink Mag.
Biggest POI to ever exist. A copy of Tokyo.
What is MEGA City.
What is the Stormtrooper themed gun.
What is the First Order Blaster Rifle.
An Exotic in the game for one day.
Flint Knock Pistol.
The skin pack of a black alien in Marvel.
What is Venom from the movie.