This dance came out in the Season 4 battle pass and is a rare/Blue dance and the first word is Orange what?
What is Orange Justice
what is the most og skin
what is renegade raider
what is the best sniper to noscope with
what is a hunting rifle
This place has trump tower in this location
what is tilted towers
this live event took place in pleasent park
what is the marshmallow event
This dance came out in the Marshmello pack what is it called
What is Marsh Walk
what skin is the tier 100 skin in season 3
what is the reaper
this is a scilenced what that is also automatic
what is a scilenced ar
this place has a pink tree in its location
what is lucky landing
this live event destroyed two hot spots in the game
what is tilted and retail
This dance came out in season 6 and it is called T what
What is T-Pose
what skin was the tier 100 skin in season 2
what is the black knight
this gun was taken out of the game after three days when it came out in season 1
what is a zapotron
this place is in the desert
what is paradise palms
This was the first ever live event in fortnite what was it
what is the rocket event
This dance came out in season 2 where you flop on the ground
what is the worm
what is the mystery skin for season 8
what is the ruin skin
this gun came out in season 4 and it has 50 bullets in its magazine
what is a drum gun
what are the three new places in season 9
what is pressure plant neo tilted and megamall
this was created in season 5 by a lightning strike
what is the cube
This dance is part of the Disco set
what is disco fever
who made no skin november
who is the renegade raider
this is a sniper that does 75 to a body shot and is automatic
what is a automatic sniper
where are the two places where you can do the fridge meta
what is neo tilted and dust divot
this event was in season 7 and is NOT the marshmallow event
what is the ice king event