A coping skill you would like to get better at...
What is deep breathing? Communicating with others calmly? Relaxation skills?
The most populated places
What are Pleasant Park, Salty Springs, and Lazy Lake?
A time when you felt the happiest you have ever been
Tell a story!
The first sniper
What is Zapatron?
Who do you feel most comfortable with?
Who is mom? Who is mom's boyfriend? etc.
What is deep breathing?
This location currently has the most loot
What is Lazy Lake?
A time when you were disappointed
Tell another story!
Who could you go to when something goes wrong?
Who is mom? Mom's boyfriend? Dad? Emily?
Where is anywhere?
Location where the Travis Scott event took place
What is Sweaty Sands?
A time when you were embarrassed
Keep telling stories!
The damage to the head that a Legendary Pump Shotgun can do
What is 200?
Who contributes to your feelings of frustration?
A coping skill that involves breathing in through the nose, holding your breath, then breathing out through your mouth.
What is diaphragmatic breathing?
What is Retail Row?
A time you felt strong
Almost done with story-telling!
The most recognized gun in the game
What is the SCAR?
Who is mom? Mom's boyfriend?
A coping skill in which you focus on your thoughts without judgement
What is meditation?
One spot where Epic has combined two locations
What is Lazy Lake?
A time you felt ashamed of yourself
Last story!
What is the minigun?
Who do you feel understands you?
Who is mom? Mom's boyfriend? Emily?