Say yuh name: Staging
Forum Theatre is a Game

Dramaturgy is an exploration of the world of the play—both the text itself and how the text engages with the world in which we live.

This activity includes all but one:

a. Asking questions

b. Starting conversations

c. Research

d. Helping artists tell the story

e. Write the play

f. None of the above



Why does Boal say this about the Staging of Forum Theatre- "The actors must have physical styles of playing which successfully articulate their characters’ ideology, work, social function, profession, etc."?

It is important that there is a logic to the characters’ evolution, and that they do things, or else the audience will be inclined to take their seats and do the ‘forum’ without the theatre – by speech alone (without action), like a radio forum.


True or False...the aim of Forum Theatre being a game... is about winning and losing.


The aim of the forum is not to win, but to learn and to train. The spect-actors, by acting out their ideas, train for ‘real life’ action; and actors and audience alike, by playing, learn the possible consequences of their actions. They learn the arsenal of the oppressors and the possible tactics and strategies of the oppressed.


Boal writes in his Games for Actors and Non-Actors,

 "The text must clearly delineate the nature of each character, it must identify them precisely, so that the spect-actors can easily recognise each one’s ideology..."

Why does he see this as necessary?

Ease of recognition of each character's concerns- "So that the spect-actors can easily recognise each one’s ideology."


True or False... Forum Theatre does not achieve its objectives without the audience engaging in dramatic action such as role-playing...

True according to the gaze of Boal... but there is room for debate on this...


Why is Forum Theatre a performance game?

The game is spect-actors – trying to find a new solution, trying to change the world – against actors – trying to hold them back, to force them to accept the world as it is.


Boal writes... "We pose good questions, but the audience must supply good answers..." What is he referring to? 

He is referring to the design of the 'model' of Forum Theatre... "The original play – the model – must present a mistake, a failure, so that the spect-actors will be spurred into finding solutions and inventing new ways of confronting oppression."


True or False...any form of "good theatre" can be used as a model to engage audiences within a Forum Theatre piece because theatre is a universal language. 


Every show must find the most suitable means of expression for its particular subject matter; preferably this should be found by common consent with the public, either in the course of the presentation or by prior research.


True or False...when the spect-actor gives up, the game is over in Forum Theatre.


If the spect-actor gives in, he or she drops out of the game, the actor takes up the role again and the piece rapidly heads back towards the already known ending. Another spect-actor can then approach the stage, shout ‘Stop!’ and say where he or she wants the play taken from, and the play will start again from that point. A new solution will be tried out.


Why does Boal write this about the dramaturgy of Forum Theatre..."The piece can be performed in any genre (realism, symbolism, expressionism, etc.) except surrealism or the irrational..."?

the objective of Forum Theatre is to discuss concrete situations...situations/experiences of the real world...lived experiences... (through the medium of theatre).


True or False...elaborate costuming is very necessary for the objectives of Boal's staging of Forum Theatre. 


the costumes must be easy for the spect-actors to get in and out of, with the minimum of fuss.


What is the role of Boal's Joker in his Forum Theatre?

It is up to him or her to explain the rules of the game, to correct errors made and to encourage both parties not to stop playing.


Boal's Simultaneous Dramaturgy is all but one of the following:

a. An instrument of change within his Theatre of the Oppressed.

b. The sharing of the tools of drama work with the participating audiences.

c. A process where the participating audiences mirrors the dramatic action of the actors presenting the model.

d. The participating audiences working with the actors to change the action/plot in the model presented.

C.A process where the participating audiences mirrors the dramatic action of the actors presenting the model.


According to Boal...it is essential in Forum Theatre that the actors presenting the model be able to know and play the scene exactly as presented in the first showing. True or False?
