Energy Transfer
The Force of Magnetism
Energy and Circuits

Which will go further: 

1. A ball at 2 cm with a mass of 10 grams


2. A ball at 5 cm with a mass of 20 grams 

What is a ball at 5 cm with a mass of 20 grams?


How would you describe the sound of a wave that is very tall with lots of peaks?

What is loud and high pitched?


You are making an electromagnent, would you use steel, iron, or copper?

What is iron or steel?


If I put a hammer closer to an object will it go in further?

What is no?


How does a toaster cook bread? 

What is energy stored in wires releases heat to cook the bread?


What will gain energy if a car crashes into another parked car. 

1. The moving car 


2. The parked car

What is the parked car?


How would you describe a sound wave that is not very tall but lots of peaks?

What is a quiet wave that is high pitched?


If you are testing different variables of an electromagnet, should you test more than one variable at a time?

What is test one variable at a time so it is a fair test?


If I hit an object with a hammer from a higher distance, will the object go further?

What is yes?


If I am in a completely dark room, seal with no light, will I ever see anything? 

What is no you will not see anything?


If a car crashes into another car, will it gain or lose energy?

What is lose energy?


How would you describe a sound wave that does not have very many peaks and is very short?

What is a quiet low pitched sound?

A telegraph used a code to make out letters to a word, how did the telephone work differently?

What is the telephone change sound frequencies into electric impulses which made the actual sound of the word. 


If I increased the mass of a hammer will the object I am hitting move further?

What is yes?


Is putting a hot can of soda in the refrigerator a form of transfer of energy when the can gets cold? (True or False)

What is true?


If I start my marble at a higher distance on the ramp and it hits an object on the end of the ramp, will the object go further or a less distance?

What is a less distance?


How would you describe a sound wave with a few peaks that are tall?

What is a loud low pitched wound? 


A wall behind you is visible when looking at a mirror? (True or False)

What is true?


If I decrease the mass of a hammer, I will be able to move an object further? (True or False)

What is false?


Does reflection allow you to see a street line from a dark room at night?

What is no?


If I crash a heavier marble into an object at the end of the ramp, what will happen to the distance of that object?

What is it will go further?


Which provides more energy, fossil fuels or alternative energy like solar power?

What is fossil fuels?


Which is made from natural resources, fossil fuels or alternative energy sources such as wind energy?

What is fossil fuels?


Why might someone use fossil fuels instead of solar power?

What is they are cheaper?


Why might you not use fossil fuels?

What is they are bad for the environment?