Changes to Earth's Surface
Sedimentary Rocks
Formation of Fossil Fuels
Properties of Soil
What is erosion?
The movement of sediments from one location to another.
What are small particles of rock?
What are the remains of traces of past life, often found in sedimentary rock called?
What are fossils?
What is oil formed from?
decayed remains of marine animals and fish

Which of the following soils would be best for growing bean plants?

A     Sandy soil with big rocks
B     Loam that contains humus
C     Gravel and rocky soil
D     Clay soil that contains sand

B     Loam that contains humus (humus is found in topsoil & contains decayed plants & animals – VERY good for growing plants)

Canyons are formed by what? How long do they take to form? Is it slow or fast?
Rivers eroding the land. It takes deep canyons hundreds of thousands of years to form. It happens really slowly.
What is the type of rocks fossils are formed in?
sedimentary rocks
Give a specific example of something that can become a fossil.
Bones, shells, teeth, etc. Never rocks!
What ancient ecosystems is coal formed from?
Prehistoric flooded swamps and forests.

Which of the following types of soil will be the hardest for plants to grow in?

A     Sandy soil that retains a great deal of water
B     Loam that contains humus and drains well
C     Topsoil that drains well and contains nutrients
D     Potting soil that is designed to improve plant growth

A     Sandy soil that retains a great deal of water (you want some water to get to all the plants’ roots)

Weathering does what to rocks, mountains and land?
Breaks it down into smaller pieces called sediments.
What is pressing tightly together?
Are the oldest fossils found in the top or bottom layers of sedimentary rocks?
The bottom layer.
How long ago were coal, oil, and natural gas deposits formed?
more than 300 million years ago

Top soil has a rough texture with spaces between the grains.  This allows water to filter quickly through the soil.  Clay soil, however, is composed of smoother particles that stick together with little or no spaces between.  What would happen if clay were used as a water filtration method?  The water –

A    would flow freely through the clay.
B    would not flow easily through the clay.
C    in the clay would evaporate very quickly.
D    would change the clay into sedimentary rock.

B    would not flow easily through the clay.

What are the three processes that gradually change Earth's surface?
weathering, erosion, and deposition

What is gluing things together?



Name two examples of Sedimentary Rock

Sandstone, Limestone, Shale, Conglomerate

What is coal formed from?
decayed remains of plants

Which of the following has the GREATEST effect on the ability of soil to retain water?    

A    The age of the soil particles
B      The size of the soil particles
C      The color of the soil particles
D      The luster of the soil particles

B      The size of the soil particles


Name at least two examples of weathering, erosion, or deposition landforms

Sand Dunes, Deltas, Canyons, U-Shaped Valleys

What do sedimentary rocks look like?
Layers. (Think about the Grand Canyon.)
If a scientist finds a fish bone fossil in the middle of the desert, what can the scientist infer?
That the desert must have been covered by water millions of years ago.
Where are fossil fuels usually found?
Between layers of sedimentary rocks.

Through which type of soil will water move most quickly?  

A    Sandy soil with large pores
B      Humus soil with small pores
C      Clay soil with tiny pores
D      Solid rock with no pores

A    Sandy soil with large pores