The square footage required per child per room.
What is 40sqft
What is a belongs inventory?
Refuge House was founded in 2002 but this CEO.
This meeting is required to take place prior to serving a 30 day notice.
What is a disruption mitigation meeting.
Written approval is needed by this individual prior to cutting a child's hair more than an inch, changing hair style, or color.
Who is the Managing Conservator (Department and/or bio parent.) (Must be in writing and in the RH binder)
These require a double lock.
What is medications?
Visitations, structured and unstructured activities are documented on this.
What is a recreation calendar.
This individual is responsible for transportation to and from Visitations.
Who is the foster parents.
This position with Refuge House is responsible for securing placements
What is the Intake Director?
The 72hr, CANS and 30 Day Annual are known as this.
What is the 3 in 30?
These are green and must be posted in Spanish and English.
What is the Ombudsman flyers.
This form must be signed and returned within two business days of a school aged child being placed
What is the School Enrollment form
Belong, Empower, 2 Engage, OCOK, and 4Kids 4Families are known by this acronym.
SSCC - Single Source Continuum Contractor
This platform is used to complete all placement paperwork.
What is docusign
This may not be used to supervise children other than infants and toddlers.
What is video cameras. (Baby monitors only for infants and toddlers.)
Everyone over 14yr old living in the home requires one.
What is a background check with fingerprints.
This form is used when taking a child to a healthcare provider.
What is the 9 page, medical and dental form.
A Home is in the Heart of Every Child
What is the Refuge House Motto?
Anyone living in the home over 18 yrs old must sign this form at time of placement.
What is the Attachment A.
The total number of biological and foster children in a home cannot exceed this number.
What is 6?
This red cylinder is used to put out fires and required on each floor of a home.
What is a fire extinguisher?
The Two forms due every Friday by Noon
What are the Medication Logs and Minor Incident reports.
This is the Treatment Model used by Refuge House.
TBRI - Trust Base Relational Intervention
If a child is arrested this type of discharge is submitted.
What is a 24hr discharge.
This cannot be threatened in any foster home.
What is placement?