Types of Government
Functions of Government/Economics
Theories of Democracy
En. Thinkers

Abdullah II King of Jordan, can choose the prime minister and help create the cabinet. Yet, the kings appointments must be approved by parliament. What form of government is this? 

What is a limited/constitutional monarchy 


One of the few core responsibilities of the federal government mandated by the Constitution of the United States is “to provide for the common defense.” Upon commissioning, every American military officer swears an oath to “support and defend” this Constitution.

What is maintain a national defense 


Prior to the 19th and 14th Amendment, the U.S did not properly uphold this theory of democracy 

What is equality in voting 


Believed that all humans are selfish and wicked and believed in the need for an Absolute Monarchy 

Who is T. Hobbes 


Fundamental democratic principle requiring that largest populations view be respected

What is majority rule 


Every four years the Dutch citizens are entitled to vote the people who will represent them in the "States General" also known as Parliament. The Dutch people do not vote for the executive position. 

What is parliamentary democracy 


Assume that a paper manufacturer dumps toxic chemicals into a river killing the fish sport fishers product. The buyer in this market is the purchaser of paper. The seller is the paper manufacturer. If the firm is allowed to pollute the river a third party, i.e. people who fish, or live, downstream, suffer from this pollution. They pay the cost.  What economic function is this?

What is correct for externalities 

Truman State University students were able to actively go out and promote the cadency of Eric Greitens for Missouri Governor. This was done through rallies, door to door polls, and even traveling to various districts in Missouri for conventions. 

This passage is an example of what theory of democracy

What is effective participation 


The people gave up some freedom in order to have their rights protected in an outlined document between the people and government 

Who is Rousseau


Structure within a society that connections the people to the government or centralized authority. Ex: elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media 

What is Linkage Institutions 


Saudi Arabia is led by a king. The king appoints a Council of Minister to help govern. Saudi Arabia's Basic Law states that the country's constitution is the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an and other religious traditions. The Qur'an is used as the main ruling law in the country. 

What is a Theocracy 


When total spending is too low, the government may increase its spending and/or lower taxes to reduce unemployment; the central bank may lower interest rates. Is what economic function? 

What is stabilize the economy 


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

This passage is an example of what?

What is enlightenment understanding 


What idea is directly associated with John Locke's Two Treaties of Government?

What is all people are born with rights to life, liberty and property, known as Natural Rights 

A society in where individuals have different opinions and viewpoints and can all coexist and work with others in the political sphere

What is pluralism 


After the Second Boer War, an tacit agreement was reached between English-Afrikaans-speaking whites. They make up about about 10-20% of South Africa's population, yet they rule over the native population. 

What is an oligarchy 


Teddy Roosevelts creation of the Food and Drug Administration which is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products etc. What functions of government is this?

What is provide order 


The Australian Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship grants program is a gender equity initiative that encourages women in STEM education and careers.    

Myanmar's Alternative Education framework aims to provide accessible, certified, high-quality learning opportunities to children and adults who have dropped out of the formal school system. 

Both of these are examples of?

What is inclusion 


Rosseau and Locke both agreed that a government should be based on 

What is the consent of the governed, or the authority of a government should depend on the consent of the people, expressed by votes, representative elections


Montesquieu believed that a separation of powers would?

What is prevent tyranny by acting as a check on power 


North Koreans have to vote, but have only ONE political party choice. 

What is a dictatorship 


The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Conditional Cash Transfer programs are welfare payments/programs that are tied to stringent federal conditions to helps families and individuals look for work, provide healthcare and education. What economic function is this?

What is redistribute income


In 2011, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach championed a law requiring a law requiring Kansans to show "proof of citizenship [for Kansas]" documents in order to register to vote, citing false claims of noncitizen voting.  Most people do not carry the required documents on hand-like a passport, or birth certificate.

What theory of democracy is being challenged? 

What is equality in voting 


Many of the ideas of Locke, Montesquieu and Rosseau were associated with 

Political reforms that lead to the era of Revolutions 


Believed that women's education should be the same as men's 

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft