Anchors & Neonate
Developmental domains and fine motor
Expressive & Receptive milestones
Symptoms Review & Exam
I understand pediatrics 100%

This is the normal positioning for babies directly out of the womb. The effects of this usually wear off after the first few months of life due to gravity.

What is physiological flexion?


Sequence of grasp development

What is ulnar -> palmar -> radial grasp


Receptive language 3 month milestone

What is turns to voices?


Newborns empty their stomach this often

What is 2-3 hours?


Research supports the importance of these three pivotal motor skills.

What is object manipulation, sitting, and locomotion?



At 8 months, it is common for babies to be able to string 4-5 steps together.

What is false.


A kid that has no interest in toys, is not localizing to sound, and enjoys repetitive play is likely one of the following. (infant/toddlers/preschoolers)

What is infant


Expressive language milestone at 8 months.

What is bi-syllabic vowel/consonant combos: ma-ma or ba-ba?

This syndrome is seen with infants with GERD.

What is Sandifer's syndrome?


Define attractor well.

What is a visual representation of how a practiced movement pattern stabilizes until something changes to shift it out of its "well" into the new, stable patterns?


The age range that is common for babies to start cruising along furniture.

What is 9-13 months?


At this age it is common for a child to be able to manipulate toys and stack 2-4 cubes 

What is 18 months?



At 24 months a baby should know more than 100 words plus 3-word combos.

What is False?


If a baby weighs 12 pounds out of the womb, they will roughly weigh this much 6 months later

What is 24 pounds?


The MSK system forms during this period.

What is the embryonic period? (2-8 weeks post conception)


Jeffery decides to place his 4 month old baby on the ground. In front of the baby is a piece of cake that is placed on a plate for the baby to eat. Jeffery forgot his phone in the kitchen and comes back to find the baby has fallen face first into the piece of cake and has knocked the plate over and got icing all over the carpet. His wife was furious and told him he will be laying on the couch for giving a 4 month old a piece of cake and a fork. The baby has not yet developed the ability to hold his body up on his own while sitting and should work in what position?

What is anti-gravity extensor control. The baby should work in prone.


4 Communication red flags for infants/toddlers

What is no eye contact, does not localize to sound, no words at 18 months, no variation in speed sound?


At 36-48 months it is common for kids to be at these two milestones for receptive and expressive language.

What is ability to understand a lot and explosion of vocabulary - 1000 words + 3 word sentences?


Pediatrics falls under these 2 regions of the ICF model.

What is activity limitations & participation restrictions?

The role of the umbilical vein.

What is bringing oxygenated blood from placenta to baby's liver?


The 5 principles of developmental direction.

What is reflex before "cortical" control?

What is total response before localized?

What is proximal before distal?

What is cephalic control before caudal?

What is gross motor control before fine motor?


"Terrible twos" consists of a few characteristics, name three.

What is toddlers creed, "negative" behavior, wide range of emotions, saying "no", strongly possessive, exerting independence.

You tell your son to pick up his bottle and set it on the table after closing the lid. He picked up his bottle, closed the lid, and threw it back on the ground. How old is he in term of receptive language milestones?

What is 24 months (2 years - 2 step commands)


Name the 5 different types of validity.

What is construct, content, concurrent, predictive, and discriminative validity?


The tetralogy of fallot consists of these four problems. 

What is ventral septal defect, pulmonary valve stenosis, misplaced aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy