Name six biblical genres.
What are law, history, prophecy, biography, wisdom, and letters.
The name given to the four books of the New Testament that focus on the biography of Jesus Christ.
What are the gospels.
Name three letters written in the New Testament.
Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians , Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, Peter, John, Jude.
This country is the modern day location of Colossae.
What is Turkey.
Matthew 1 reveals how Jesus was the fulfillment of God's promise to this patriarch who God promised that all people would be blessed through him in Genesis.
Who is Abraham.
This somewhat historical genre focuses on a person's life rather than events.
What is biography.
This gospel book is said to be written to a Jewish audience and focuses on how Jesus fulfilled prophecy as the long-awaited Messiah.
What is Matthew.
This Greek word describes the letter genre written to believers during the early church.
What is Epistle.
Which gospel books were written by Jesus' disciples?
What are Matthew and John.
The Messianic line is traced to this former King of Israel.
Who is David.
When approaching this biblical genre, a person should ask when in Bible timeline that book was written, as well as what God reveals about Himself, humans, and his plan.
What is history.
This gospel, written to Jews and Gentiles in Rome, focuses on action, showing that Jesus was God's servant.
What is Mark.
This biblical figure wrote most of the New Testament letters, including Colossians.
Who is Paul.
These gospel books were not written by Jesus' disciples.
What are Luke and Mark.
This antagonist from the book of Israel wanted to destroy all the Jews when Esther's uncle refused to bow to him.
Who is Haman.
When reading this genre, a person should look for what they learn about God and whether the passage is describing thigs God has already revealed or things yet to come.
What is prophecy.
This book was written by a careful historian and focuses on Jesus being the savior of all people, both Jews and gentile; rich and poor.
What is Luke
In chronological order, list the ancient letter format that biblical writers used to structure their letters.
Final Greeting.
This disciple refers to himself as the one Jesus loved.
Who is John
The name of Ruth's mother-in-law.
Who is Naomi.
This biblical genre focuses on who God is and what he values.
What is law.
This book, written years after the other gospels were written, focuses on the fact that Jesus is the Messiah, the rescuer, and the Son of God.
What is John.
Name at least one reason letters were written during the early church.
To correct a problem or false belief in the church.
To thank or encourage the church.
To give wisdom or advice to churches or pastors.
These books were written by John.
What are the gospel of John, 1-3 John, and Revelation.
Name at least four prophets of the Old Testament.
Isaiah, Joel, Jeremiah...