Multicultural Counseling
History of Counseling

What are the benefits of credentialing?

-Increased professional identity

-Increased sense of professionalism by assuring minimum levels of competency

-Gaining parity with other mental health professions in stature, salary, and third-party payment

-Protects the public consumer by providing them with skilled counselors

-Demonstrates expertise within a profession


What is a culturally encapsulated counselor?

A counselor who defines reality according to a narrow set of cultural assumptions and fails to evaluate other viewpoints, making little attempt to understand and accept the behavior of others


Who is Frank Parsons?

Founder of guidance counseling in America


Freud was originally what by profession?

A physician


How many hours of fieldwork experience does CACREP require of its students?

700 Hours

600 for internship
100 for practicum


What does NCC stand for, and what do you have to do to earn it?

National Certified Counselor, pass the National Counselors Exam


What are the four steps in multicultural counseling training according to Corey, Corey, and Corey?

Self-exploration, didactic coursework, internship, and experiential learning


What was the Wagner O'Day Act of 1932?

It established the US Employment Services and provided ongoing vocational guidance and placement to all unemployed Americans during the Great Depression


License portability is also known by the term _____.


What does CACREP stand for?

Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs


Which state and administered the first counseling licensures and in what year?

Virginia, 1976


In what year did the DSM stop defining homosexuality as a mental illness?



What did the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 do?

Provided low-cost or free mental health services, established mental health centers nationally and provided for outpatient/inpatient/emergency/partial hospitalization/consultation and education services


What are the 9 characteristics of the Effective Counselor?

Empathy, acceptance, genuineness, wellness, cultural competence, the "it factor", compatibility with and belief in the theory, competence, and cognitive complexity


There are 3 primary areas of master's-level standards for CACREP accreditation. What are they?

Learning environment, Professional counseling identity, and Professional practice


Life coaching is said to sacrifice _____ in favor for _____.

Depth; efficacy


The goal of counselor advocacy is _______ change on a local, regional, national, and international scale.


What is the significance of Donaldson v. O'Connor (1975)?

The Supreme Court decision led to the deinstitutionalization of mental hospital patients who posed no threat of harm to themselves or others.


Hull House was formed by ______ in (location) ________.

Jane Addams; Chicago IL


What are the 8 common core curricular experiences?

1) Professional orientation and practice
2) Social and cultural diversity
3) Human growth and development
4) Career development
5) Counseling and helping relationships
6) Group counseling and work
7) Assessment and testing
8) Research and program evaluation


Describe registration, certification, and licensure.

Registration is the simplest form of credentialing, lists members of a professional group, and implies the minimal level of competence.

Certification offers the protection of a title and attests to the level of competence, but omits the scope of practice, and is overseen by national boards.

Licensure is the most rigorous form of credentialing, regulated by states, and determines who can and cannot practice in a professional arena. It defines the scope of practice and mandates third-party reimbursement privileges.


Name 4 of the 8 reasons why counseling doesn't always work for nonmajority clients.

-Melting Pot myth

-Incongruent expectations about counseling
-De-emphasis of social forces by counselor
-The counselor's ethnocentric worldview
-The counselor's ignorance of their own racist attitudes/prejudices
-Counselors not understanding cultural differences in the expression of symptomatology
-Counselors misjudging the accuracy of assessment and research procedures
-The counselor's ignorance of institutional racism by counselors


Give the four different names of the ACA.

National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA) -> American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA) -> American Association for Counseling and Development (AACD) -> American Counseling Association (ACA)


What are the 4 steps to gatekeeping?

Preadmission screening, postadmission screening, remediation planning, and remediation outcome/decision making


List the steps of the accreditation process.

The program develops and sends in a self-study report.

CACREP reviews the report.

If report is approved, a site visit is made.

Site visitors make a final recommendation.

CACREP board decides whether or not to accredit.