FOR that looks at performance difficulties in adult patients with mental disorders and is associated with illnesses and injuries to the brain that can cause functional limitations
Allen's Cognitive Level
Interaction between person and environment
Ecology of Human (EHP)
Mother of OT
Eleanor Clark Slagle
Habits, Routines, Roles, and Rituals
Performance Factors
What year was the NSPOT Founded
FOR's intervention that includes examples like assertive training, relaxation, stress management, and social skills training
Cognitive Behavioral
"As people become more adaptive, they will become more functional"
Occupational Adaption (OA)
Father of OT
William Rush Dunton Jr
Specific capacities, characteristics, or beliefs that reside within the person that influence performance in occupation
Client Factors
What did the rehabilitation Act of 1973 do?
prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs associated with the federal government
FOR typically identifies for remedication or improvement in strength, range of motion or endurance
Work/Play Model
Occupational Behavior
Created MOHO
Gary Kielhofner and Janice Buke
When you consider a client's stage of life, time of day or year, duration or rhythm of activity, or history
Temporal Context
What FOR considers range of motion, endurance, strength, postural control as primary areas of concerns
FOR views the neck and trunk contorl as foundations for other body parts
Motor Control/Motor Learning
Another name for "desire" in Moho.
Who created occupational justice
Elizabeth Townsend
activities to support daily life within the home and community
IADLS Instrumental activities of daily living
Model primary developed for Children with CP but is now used in populations to target paralysis, flaccidity, and spasticity of muscles
Motor Control/Motor Learning
FOR that establishes/restores age appropriate occupations
Lifespan Development
Model believes occupations are self-directed tasks that people engage with over a lifespan
Who created sensory learning
John Locke
goal-directed actions that are observable as small units of engagement in daily life occupations
Performance Skills
Who promoted occupational science
Elizabeth Yerxa