appropriate bedtime snacks and beverages, promoting relaxaton, promoting comfort, scheduling nursing care, minimizing sleep disturbances in hospital setting,
know about these
What are promoting bedtime rituals?
use of proper body positions to provide protection from stress of movement and activity
What are body mechanics?
cardiac event, orthopedic, other health problem
What are risks related to exercise
use 2 people to lift off bed with draw sheet and pull up in bed to prevent friction and shearing,
restricting caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, avoid physical and mental activities after 5 pm, avoid daytime snacks, light carb/protein snack before bedtime, avoid hi fluid intake and others p. 1141. know
What is sleep hygiene
know variables that lead to back injuries p. 1044
What are variables?
most major body systems
premature death, cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal, metabolic processes, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, skin, psychosocial outlook
What are the effects of immobility on body systems?
passive or active- know difference
know how to do range of motion
supporting soft tissue, protects some areas of body parts,surfaces for attachment of ligaments, etc., storage areas, and blood formation.
What are purpose of skeletal system?
correction or prevention of disorders of body structures used in locomotion.
know about tonus and contractions
What is orthopedics
spasticity, flaccidity
What decreased tone and increased tone that interferes with movement
Allopathic, holism, holistic nursing, integrative care,
know these
What different types of complementary therapies or treatments?
botanicals and nutritional products (know information under this section. 743-744
What are biologically based practices
ball and socket, hinge, pivot, gliding, etc
What are type of joints
growth and development, physical health, mental health, lifestyle variables, attitude and values, fatigue and stress, and external factors.
p. 1044-1049