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Organizational "filing systems" for thoughts held in long-term memory.
What is schema? pg 58 Read: The paragraph starting with "Explanations" and the following paragraph on page 58 (student reader)
Typographic symbols showing emotional meaning.
What are emoticons? pg 72
Noise; perception of others; yourself.
What are barriers to listening? pg 61
Listening with a purpose and attempting to understand the other person.
What is empathic listening? pg 60
Excessive self-focus, or seeing yourself as the central concern in every conversation.
What is egocentrism? pg 61
The act of receiving sound.
What is hearing. pg 55
Observations based on something that you personally have sensed.
What is first-person observation? pg 65
Involved listening with a purpose.
What is active listening? pg 60
Verbal or nonverbal signals that stress points or indicate transitions between ideas during a lecture.
What are lecture cues. pg 70 READ: Page 69, paragraph starting with "What constitutes...." continue through list of bullet points on pg 70
Generalizations from or about information you have received through your senses.
What are inferences? pg 64 (it is in there dig deep!)
1) Ask questions for clarification. 2) Paraphrase the speaker's message. 3) Paraphrase the speaker's intent. 4) identify areas of confusion. 5) Invite clarification and correction. 6) Go back to the beginning. What are these?
What are ways to check your understanding? pg 68
The sustained focus we give to stimuli we deem important.
What is selective attention. pg 56 What do you pay attention too?
The report of what another person observed.
What is second-person observation? pg 65
Descriptions based on phenomena that can be sensed, seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or felt.
What are observations? pg 64
Our permanent storage place for information including but not limited to past experiences; language; values; knowledge; images of people; memories of sights, sounds, and smells; and even fantasies.
What is long-term memory? pg 58
The part of our consciousness that interprets and assigns meaning to stimuli we pay attention to.
What is working memory? pg 57 READ: The paragraph starting at the bottom of page 56 under WORKING MEMORY. Read through and stop at SHORT-TERM MEMORY. (student reader)
A temporary storage place for information.
What is short-term memory? pg 57
1) Recognize the sources of your own conversational habits. 2) Monitor your communication to recognize when you are engaging in poor listening behaviors. 3) Apply general ethical principles to how you respond. 4) Adapt to others.
What are ways you can be an ethical listener? pg 73 READ: The paragraphs on page 73 under HOW CAN YOU BE AN ETHICAL LISTENER? (Student reader)
The ability to listen to, mentally process, and recall lecture information.
What is lecture listening? pg 69
Defined by the American Library Association (2001) in the following way: "To be information literate an individual must recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the information needed."
What is information literacy? pg 71
Analyzing the speaker, the situation, and the speaker's ideas to make critical judgments about the message being presented.
What is critical thinking? pg 63
The instinctive focus we give to stimuli signaling a change in our surroundings, stimuli that we deem important, or stimuli that we perceive to signal danger.
What is automatic attention? pg 56 What does automatic attention compete with?
1) listening carefully by using all available senses 2) paraphrasing what is heard both mentally and verbally 3) checking your understanding to ensure accuracy 4) providing feedback What are these?
What are steps to active listening? pg 60
1) Helps you to check your understanding of what the speaker said. 2) Helps you to express acceptance of the speaker's feelings 3) Stimulates the speaker to explore feelings and thoughts These are important functions of what?
What is active listening?
The extent to which the speaker is perceived as competent to make the claims he or she is making.
What is source credibility? pg 65