All Things Teaching
History of Ed.
Learning Styles
Common Core

To gain a basic understanding of the Education system in the U.S.

What is this class about?


A group of people who considered children as mini-adults who just needed to learn scripture and believed play was a waste of time.

Who were the Puritans?


Auditory, visual, kinesthetic, reading/writing, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

What are the different learning styles?


This type of assessment is typically used to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit and often includes standardized tests.

What is a summative assessment?


This educational initiative was adopted in 2010 to establish clear and consistent learning standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

What is the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)?


They value education, want to work with kids, want to make a difference, and/or have an interest in a particular subject. 

What are the reasons people decide to teach?


Private academies and town schools sprung up all over the nation. 

What happened in education in the 18th century?


This learning style is best characterized by the preference for visual aids, such as diagrams and charts.

 What is the visual learning style?


This assessment format allows students to show their understanding of a topic through projects, presentations, or portfolios rather than traditional tests.

What is a performance-based assessment?


This subject area of the Common Core Curriculum emphasizes the development of critical reading, writing, and comprehension skills across various contexts.

What is English Language Arts (ELA)?


1. It provides a service no other group can

2. Requires specific knowledge and skills acquired through training

3. It involves intellectual work in the performance of its duties. 

Why is teaching a profession?


This man was known as the Father of Kindergarten.

Who was Friedrich Froebel?


This learning style focuses on hands-on activities and physical engagement; those who prefer it often excel in environments that allow for movement and experimentation.

What is the kinesthetic learning style?


This type of assessment is used to determine what students already know before instruction begins, helping teachers plan their lessons accordingly.

What is a pre-assessment?


This goal of the Common Core stresses that students should be able to analyze and understand various types of texts, including literature and informational texts.

What is reading comprehension?


1. Difficult behaviors

2. Meeting the expectations of all stakeholders

3. Meeting the needs of diverse learners

4. Prioritizing what is most important

What are some challenges teachers face?


The man we credit for making the biggest impact on education in the U.S.

Who was John Dewey?


This instructional method encourages students to engage in discussions and express their thoughts verbally, catering to learners who retain information best through listening.

What is auditory learning?


This type of informal assessment involves asking students questions during a lesson to gauge their understanding and adjust instruction as needed.

What is questioning or student feedback?


ELA and Mathematics

What are the only two curricular areas with common standards?


Abby Bishop

Who is my favorite professor?


Technology like virtual learning, computers, AI, etc. in the classroom.

What has had the largest impact on learning in the 21st Century?


Developed by Howard Gardner, this theory includes multiple types of intelligence, emphasizing that traditional learning styles are just one aspect of a person's cognitive abilities.

What is the theory of multiple intelligences?


This type of assessment is used to inform instruction.

What is formative assessment?

One of the primary goals of the Common Core Curriculum is to ensure that students are prepared for this post-secondary opportunity, which includes college, careers, and standardized testing.

What is college and career readiness?