Chapter 1-4
Chapter 1
Intro to Ex Science
Chapter 2
Intro to Research
Chapter 3
Systems Approach

Chapter 4
Exercise Physiology

 A structured movement process that individuals consciously and voluntarily engage in.

What is exercise?


According to your book this was the most common cause of mortality in the United States in 2017. 

What is heart disease?


This is sometimes referred to as pure or fundamental research and aims to expand the knowledge base by formulating, evaluating, or expanding a theory.

What is basic research?


This system brings air into the lungs, allows for oxygen to be removed from the air, and facilitates the elimination of carbon dioxide into the external environment.

What is the respiratory/pulmonary system?


Increase in exercise intensity leads to increased use of _____________.

What are carbohydrates?


This system's primary components are the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

What is the circulatory (cardiovascular) system?


This includes those movement activities of daily living such as work- and job-related activities, leisure time activities, and activities performed around the home.

What is physical activity?


This type of research uses a scientific approach designed for the collection and analysis of numerical data typically obtained from subjects through direct testing in a laboratory or field-based setting, or using questionnaires.

What is Quantitative Research?


This system serves as a structural framework of the body, protecting underlying organs and tissues of the body, providing a lever system for movement, and serving as a storage area of minerals important to the body’s function.

What is the skeletal system?


If energy intake equals energy expenditure there will be __________ in body weight.

What is "no change"?


Information, reviews, or scholarly journal articles that discuss or evaluate someone else’s original research.

What are secondary sources?


Work conducted in this northeastern laboratory provided the foundation for many of the basic theories used in the study and application of exercise science today.

What is the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory?


If the research involves human subjects, then approval is sought from this group.

What is an Internal Review Board (IRB)?


 Along with the nervous system, this system is the other primary control system of the body

What is the endocrine system?


Research has shown that ___________________ appears to be a strong predictor of an athlete's aerobic endurance performance.

What is lactate threshold?


This is systematic research directed toward finding solutions to an immediate practical problem.

What is applied research?


The initial name chosen by the founding members “Federation of Sports Medicine” was changed to the ACSM in.

What/when is 1955?


This is a short summary that describes the research study’s purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.

What is a research abstract? 


This system allows the body to make a distinction between its normal components and any foreign elements, with the purpose of protecting itself against those substances foreign to the body

What is the immune system?


It is recommended that _________-trained athletes should consume between 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram body weight per day.

What is endurance?


He was the first person to make accurate measurements of blood pressure

Who was Stephen Hales?


In 2007, ACSM developed this signature program to provide an evidence-based and science-based measurement of the state of health and fitness at the community level throughout the United States.

What is the American Fitness Index™ (AFI)?


The process of systematically examining and interpreting past events to give an account of what has occurred.

What is historical research?


The primary components of this system are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, and small intestine and large intestine

What is the digestive system?


_____________occurs when a person has low blood glucose levels.

What is hypoglycemia?