Ignatian Spirituality
Life of Ignatius
The Creightons
Religious Life and Diocesan Priesthood
Creighton Prep
A term literally meaning "for the greater glory of God." Generally, it refers to how all of ones actions should be oriented toward giving glory to God.
What is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
During this battle, St. Ignatius was wounded by a cannonball. It was during his subsequent recovery that he had his conversion experience.
What is The Battle of Pamplona
Creighton College was founded by this individual with the money of his brother who had passed away and had desired to found a college.
Who is John Creighton
The three vows that a Jesuit takes.
What is poverty, chastity, and obedience.
The year that Creighton Prep was founded
What is 1878
A term literally meaning "the more." Describes how one should always be looking to how they can do more for God, or how one can push ever further toward knowing Him and serving Him. Not necessarily about doing "more things", but instead about doing things "more better" for God.
What is Magis
St. Ignatius traveled here on a pilgrimage after living at Manresa for 10 months. He was soon kicked out however and ended up going back to school to study to be a priest.
What is Jerusalem
This was one of the most significant business activities Edward Creighton engaged in during his life. He eventually made national headlines for completing a project involving this.
What is building telegraph lines.
The leader of the society of Jesus. St. Ignatius was the first to hold this position
What is the Superior General
Creighton Prep is run by this religious order.
What is the Society of Jesus (or the Jesuits).
A phrase used to describe how one can see God at work in all of His creation, from the very ordinary to the extraordinary (relationships, nature, music, art, science, a peaceful rest, etc).
What is Finding God in All Things
A compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God. For centuries these collection of prayers were most commonly given as a "long retreat" of about 30 days in solitude and silence (from Ignatian Spirituality.com).
What is the "Spiritual Exercises"
This individual's money was used to found Creighton College after his death. During his life, he worked to establish a major telegraph line and was the first president of First National Bank.
Who is Edward Creighton
The name of the geographical area over which a bishop or an archbishop presides.
What is a diocese
Creighton Prep students are required to take four years of these two subjects.
What is Theology and English
Translated as "care for the person." At Prep, this emphasizes emphasizes helping each person grow more fully into the unique person they were created to be, using their own unique gifts and realizing their inherent worth as being created in the image and likeness of God (Gn. 26-27).
What is cura personalis
This significant event occurred in 1540.
What is the founding of the Society of Jesus.
This woman served the needy in the town of Omaha and had one child that tragically died at a very young age. Her husband was Edward Creighton.
Who is Mary Lucretia Wareham
A community of individuals who have professed three solemn vows, live in a community (often an abbey or monastery, though not always), serve throughout the world, and focus on a specific charism of living a Christian life.
What is a religious order
These four words complete Creighton Prep's mission statement: Creighton Prep form men of _______,_______,________, and _________ in the Catholic, Jesuit tradition.
What is faith, scholarship, leadership, and service.
Two opposing words used to describe the movements of one's heart in the spiritual life. One term describes an experience of God's presence that is freeing, loving, and uplifting. The other describes a condition of feeling heaviness that instills sadness and depletes energy for living that directly impacts our faith and pursuit of God's will (Gallagher).
What is Consolation and Desolation
The town where St. Ignatius finally settled down to work out the rules of the Society of Jesus. He eventually died here in 1556.
What is Rome
The Creighton family was from this country and had this many children in their family
What is Ireland and 10 kids
A diocesan priest professes his direct obedience to the bishop of his diocese, whereas a Jesuit professes his immediate obedience to this individual.
What is the provincial
These are the five characteristics of the Graduate at Graduation at Creighton Prep
What is intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice.