The Enlightenment
Interpretations of the Constitution
Federalist v. Anti-Federalist
Legislative Branch
Judicial and Executive Branches
Constitutional Amendments
This English philosopher suggested that a government's power comes from the consent of the governed and that people are entitled to natural rights: life, liberty, and property.
Who is John Locke?

The separation of power between the federal government and smaller regional governments is referred to as:



The term used to describe Congress because of separate the powers between two houses is called



Define Judicial Review

The ability of the Supreme Court to determine if a law abides by the Constitution


When Mr. B is on trial for having too much drip, he will cite this amendment to avoid testifying against himself?

5 (Right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination)

This French philosopher championed the right to free speech.
Who is Voltaire?

An individual who looks at the Second Amendment and then rejoices in their right to own bear arms would most likely have this interpretation of the constitution:

Strict Interpretation


This elected official is considered the President of the Senate:

Vice President


What is the term limit for a federal judge

Trick Question: There isn't one (life time appointment


When Mr. B's dog, Elle, brings him to trial for breaking a treat in half, this amendment protects Mr. B from being waterboarded for his heinous crime?

8 (Protections against Excessive Bail, Cruel and Unusual Punishment)

This French philosopher recommended that government be divided into 3 co-equal branches with a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.
Who is Baron de Montesquieu?
These individuals believed local government to be more responsive to citizens' needs and insisted that a Bill of Rights was needed to protect individual freedoms.
Who are the Anti-Federalists?

Describe 2 checks on the power of the Legislative Branch.

-Executive: veto

-Judicial: judicial review


Describe the requirements for becoming POTUS

-At least 35 years Old

-Natural Born US citizen


Many Americans claim that they have the right to privacy despite it not being stated in the Constitution. This amendment says that even though its not, it is still a protected right.

9 (Non-stated rights are still civil rights)

This French philosopher believed that because humans are corrupted by society, all people must enter into a social contract that requires people to recognize a collective "good will," which represents the common good or public interest.
Who is Jean Jacques Rousseau?
These individuals favored a strong national/central government that could provide for the common defense at all times.
Who are the Federalists?

Describe the difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate in terms of delegates from each state, term length and age requirements.

-House of Rep. (reps depend on population, 2 year terms, 25 years old)

-Senate (2 per state, 6 year terms, 30 years old)


Describe 2 checks on the power of the Executive Branch.

-Legislative (Impeachment, approving appointments, override veto)

-Judicial (Judicial Review)


Established after Franklin Roosevelt's 4 term run in the White House, this Amendment limited the Presidential term limit to 2 terms.



The first political philosopher that argued that government was essential given mankind's tendency to be evil

Thomas Hobbes


Use of the "Necessary and Proper" Clause would require that a person has an _________________ interpretation of the Constitution?

Loose Interpretation


Describe 2 of the logistical powers of the Legislative Branch.

-Create post offices 

-Promote the sciences and arts

-Determine naturalization requirements/proceedings


Describe one check on the power of the Judicial Branch

-Legislative (Control budget, impeach judges, amendments)

-Executive (appoint judges)


This amendment lowered the age to vote to 18