Introduction to Engineering
History of Engineering
Universal Systems & Precision Measurement
Workplace Ethics & Character
True/False Industrial Engineers determine the most effective ways to use the basic factors of production — people, machines, materials, information, and energy— to make a product or to provide a service. They are the bridge between management goals and operational performance.
What is True?
True/False The Greeks were known as the “improvers and adapters”
What is False?
Takes roll during the meeting
Who is secretary?
Consumed or processed by a technological system
What are Inputs?
George’s boss must give him a list of tasks to be completed everyday. If George finishes all of the tasks on the list he has to go to his boss and ask what to do next. George is NOT demonstrating_______.
What is Initiative?
True/False Electrical Engineers research and develop the processes, instruments, and systems for national laboratories, private industry, and universities that derive benefits from nuclear energy and radiation for society.
What is False?
During the early 19th Century in England, two professional engineering societies were formed
What are Civil and Mechanical?
The majority means that you need
What is 51%?
Three main types of processes
What are Management, Problem Solving, Production?
A go-getting attitude
What is taking Initiative?
A road bed is 4 miles long, 18 yards wide, and 3 feet deep. Calculate how long the roadbed will be in feet.
What is 21,120?
Were known as the inventors
Who are Romans?
True/False All 50 states have a TSA delegation
What is False?
True/False Feedback is information used to regulate a system
What is True?
The trait of being reliable
What is Dependability?
True/False Mechanical Engineers apply engineering principles to the construction, planning, and design of buildings and other structures. They often work with other engineers and with architects, who focus on function layout or aesthetics of building projects.
What is False?
Between 1750 and 1850, these events in engineering were taking place
What are New system of transportation (railroads), Machinery for Mass Production, Beginning of formal education in engineering
True/False The 2nd Vice President position is an office on the state officer team
What is True?
The first thing that was measured
What is Time?
Hosea has a project due to his boss on Friday. His computer crashes on Wednesday night and he loses most of his information. Hosea gets his computer up and running early Thursday morning. He works all day and into the night on Thursday evening to get the project done on time. Hosea is a ________ employee.
What is Reliable?
True/False Transportation Engineering involves the conception, planning, design, construction, and operation of facilities essential to modern life, ranging from transit systems to offshore structures to space satellites. They are problem solvers, meeting the challenges of pollution, traffic congestion, drinking water and energy needs, urban redevelopment, and community planning.
What is False?
True/False The Romans invented the first steam turbine known as “Hero’s Turbine”
What is False?
number of middle and high school TSA members
What is 150,000?
True/False The Mayans had a 365 day calendar that had 19 months
What is True?
Scott works as a coach at the local recreation department. The game he was scheduled to coach on Friday was cancelled due to inclement weather. The game has been rescheduled for Saturday morning. Scott planned to go to a movie with friends on Saturday morning. If Scott is a __________ employee, he will coach the game
What is Reliable?