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This doctor specializes in the care of the feet and lower legs. 

What is a podiatrist? 


This is one thing you can do for the care of a minor burn.

What is run under cool water, or put aloe on it, keep dry, out antibacterial ointment on it. 


This is what healthcare providers should do before entering a patient's room, after touching a patient, and after any activity or situation that may result in contamination or potential transmission of germs.

what is proper hand hygiene? 


This type of care is where you go for preventative services: for yearly check-ups, vaccinations, and blood work, etc. 

What is primary care? 


This is the normal range for heart rate in adults.

What is 60-100 beats per minute?


This healthcare professional is the one who would take the Xray, MRI, or CT scans when you go to the doctor. 

What is a radiologic technician? 


This is the medical equipment that can be used in case of extreme, life threatening bleeding on a limb.

What is a tourniquet? 


These are the four main types of PPE? 

What are gloves, masks, goggles, and gowns.


This is where premature babies and babies with medical conditions would receive care in the hospital. 

What is the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit)?


This law requires all healthcare providers to maintain patient privacy when handling their medical information.

What is "HIPPA"?


This healthcare professional term means: "someone who studies blood". They specialize in blood disorders and cancers. 

What is a hematologist? 


This is the meaning of the acronym for R.I.C.E. that is used for sprains or twists.

What is rest - stay off injury for 48 hours, Ice the area: 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, Compress: Wrap the injury to prevent further swelling; Elevate: raise injured area above the heart. 


How many times should you use a needle for a single patient? 

What is: only once?


This is where an individual might go after a severe injury, requiring specialized care to regain strength.

What is a rehabilitation center? 


This medical term means: "not breathing".

What is apnea?


After being discharged for a femur fracture, this healthcare professional will help the patient regain leg strength and return to normal function.

What is the physical therapist? 


Please describe the entire process of providing CPR to a person who found down on the street.

What is: 

1. Assess that the scene is safe. 2. Check patient pulse 3. Call 911 (or tell someone to, and tell someone to find an AED) 4. If no pulse, start compressions at a rate of 100-120 bpm. Continue until EMS arrives.


This type of medication is used to treat bacterial infections. 

What are antibiotics? 


This is where patients pick up their medications that were ordered by their primary care provider. 

What is a pharmacy? 


Give the definition of vital signs. 

What are the key measurements of a person's overall health and body functions?


This health professional is a type of doctor that focuses on the realignment of teeth.

What is an orthodontist?


Describe the term "anaphylaxis". 

What is a severe, life threatening allergic reaction that can occur seconds to minutes after exposure to an allergen. 


This type of infection is transmitted through needle use, sexual contact, or exposure to infected blood.

What is a bloodborne infection. 


This is the largest health system in Hawaii. 

What is Queenʻs?


This term refers to the type of healthcare in which all residents of a particular country or region have access to essential health services for low to no cost. 

What is universal health care?