Nursing History
Healthcare Organizations
The 4 Spheres of Care
The Essentials
From the Module

The "mother" of nursing worked was a seminal figure in this war during the 19th century

What is the Crimean War


The national voice for academic nursing

What is the American Association of Colleges of Nursing/AACN


Mammogram screenings are an example of this sphere of care.

What is Disease Prevention and Health Promotion


This organization has published The Essentials series, which provides the educational framework for the preparation of nurses at four-year colleges and universities.

What is the AACN


This skill set is rooted in the development of nursing education and practice. It focuses on reflective thinking, the integration of standards and ethics, and is a process of constant evaluation, redirection and improvement aimed at increasing efficiency and patient outcomes.

What is Critical Thinking


This university from the "Land of 10,000 Lakes" established the first BSN program in 1909.

What is University of Minnesota


These organizations are responsible for protecting the public's health and welfare, licensure, and standards of safe nursing practice.

What are state boards of nursing


According to this organization, students must demonstrate competencies through practice experiences with individuals, families, communities, and populations across the lifespan and within each of these four spheres of care.

What is the ANA


Shifting U.S. population demographics, health workforce shortages, and persistent health inequities have led to the inclusion of this principle in The Essentials.

What is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or DEI


HIPAA is the abbreviated title for this legislation that focuses on patient information, accessibility, and confidentiality. 

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 


This historical nursing figure is known for her contributions to hygiene, sanitation and statistical nursing research.

Who is Florence Nightingale


This organization can exist at the school, state, or national levels, providing students with professional organizational experience and leadership roles.

What is the National Student Nurses Association/NSNA


A nurse is assisting a patient and family in the early stages of navigating a new diagnosis. The nurse has provided the patient with options regarding pain management options that can be combined with curative treatment if desired. The nurse is operating under this sphere of care

What is Hospice/Palliative Care


The generation, synthesis, translation, application, and dissemination of nursing knowledge to improve health and transform health care is the descriptor of this Essential Domain.

What is Domain 4: Scholarship for Nursing Discipline


This concept discussed in Unit 3 is defined as an approach to the delivery of health care that integrates the best information from studies and patient care data with clinician expertise and patient preferences and values.

What is Evidence-Based Practice


This Civil War nurse worked as an abolitionist, as an agent for the Underground Railroad, and was an early advocate for women's rights.

Who is Sojourner Truth


This organization is the single largest payer for health care services in the United States. In FY 2021 they paid over $400 billion in payments. 

What is Medicare


A school nurse has identified several health conditions in her school. She notes cases of asthma, low vaccine compliance and high obesity rates. The school board approves funding for a vaccine clinic to be hosted prior to the start of school. This nurse is engaging in this sphere of care. 

What is Disease Prevention and Health Promotion


This Essentials Concept refers to principles that guide a person’s behavior and is closely tied to the examination of nursing morality in a variety of settings and circumstances.

What are Ethics


This criminal nurse reviewed in Unit 6 was instructed to administer Versed (a sedating drug) to a patient but mistakenly administered vecuronium (a paralyzing drug), resulting in the patient's death and her subsequent criminal trial and loss of licensure.

Who is RaDonda Vaught


This well-known author used profits from his writing career to fund his nursing services during the Civil War.

Who is Walt Whitman


This organization is the nation’s oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body in health care and has the uncanny ability to terrify even the most seasoned nurses.

What is the Joint Commission


This sphere of care features; complex acute care, acute exacerbations of chronic conditions, and treatment of physiologically unstable patients that generally require care in large healthcare institutions.

What is Regenerative/Restorative Care 


This 2016 document cited by The Essentials, identified a path for achieving enhanced partnerships between nursing schools and academic health institutions that focused on improving healthcare outcomes.

What is Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing


This concept from Unit 5 focuses on the ability to convey acceptance to patients and requires self-awareness and nonjudgmental attitudes on the part of nurses.

What is the Therapeutic Use of Self