What is the attention signal? What are the students to do when the attention signal is given?
hand. stop talking and listen to the teacher or speaker
How does the teacher expect you to wait outside the door?
in a line
2 apples plus 6 apples equals how many apples?
8 apples or 8a
Who lives in the pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob Squarepants
What two periods will there be no hall passes?
3rd and 7th
Where do you put your backpacks?
on the back wall.
Identify the variable in the following equation:
s + 7 = 15
S is the variable
Name three ways you can earn classroom bucks?
at the teacher's discretion
Upon leaving/returning to classroom, what are students to do?
sign out/in on board
When are you allowed to borrow paper and pencil without penalty?
During the 1st five minutes of class.(exception for 1st and 5th period=30,minutes)
What are 3 things you learned today?
Para's discretion
you will lose your classroom bucks
True or False.
I do not have to wear my ID all day except when I leave the class.
False..explain why?
Finish the phrase:
Ki ki __ ___ ___ ___
Do you love me?
If there were 10 students in the class and 3 students left early to go home, How many students are in the class at the end of the day? Show your work
Explain the lunch/cafeteria policy.
walk in a line, no cellphones or electronic devices, do not run off to the restroom, etc.....
Johnny is determined to be the class clown. Throughout the period, he keeps making jokes and picking upon other students. Everyone thinks he is funny. Is he violating the student code of conduct? How so? How should the class respond?
Yes, that student is disrupting classroom instruction. The class should ignore him and keep working.
Fill in the blank.
Lunch lines close _______ minutes after the beginning of the lunch period.
What attributes and qualities will help you pass math?
coming to class prepared, following the rules, doing your work, trying hard etc...
Melanie earned $100 in classroom bucks, she wants to purchase a bag of chips for $120 bucks. How much more money does Melanie need to earn?
100 + ? = 120
$20 classroom bucks
Name and describe 5 geometric shapes
Answers are on the posters on the board
Spell your teacher's name?