How do we Pronounce كِتابٌ?
What is the effect of tanween on pronunciation?
It adds an "n" sound at the end of the word.
Show us on the board what a shaddah looks like
Shaddah w
How do we Pronounce صَدِيقٌ?
On the board please show us how 'tanween al-kasra' looks like
answers may vary
ex. كتابٍ - kitab-(in)
Explain what a shaddah does with the pronounciation?
When a letter has a shaddah, it is pronounced with extra emphasis or length, essentially saying the letter twice.
How do we pronounce مُعَلِّمٌ?
On the board please show us how 'tanween al-fathah' looks like
answers may vary
ex. كِتَابٌ kitab-(un)
Which letter has a shaddah in مُسَلِّمٌ?
How do we pronounce مَاءٌ?
On the board please show us what 'tanween al-dhamma' looks like
answers may vary
ex. ولدٌ - wald-un
Which letter has a shaddah in the word خَرَّج?
How do we pronounce مَطَرٌ?
talbun طالبٌ ... is this Fatah, Dhammah, and Kasra.
Tanween al-Dhammah
Which letter has the shaddah in the word مُسَافِرٌ.