Explorers/Native Americans
The Colonies
American Revolution
A New Nation and Its Government
Westward Expansion
John Cabot explored for this country. This is what he found and where he sailed?
What is England? What is rich fishing waters off the coast of Canada?
This is one reason colonists came to the new land.
What is to search for religious freedom?
This war was fought between the French and the British. It ended with the Treaty of Paris.
What is the French and Indian War?
This was the first form of government for the new country. It gave Congress very little power. It created a weak form of government.
What are The Articles of Confederation?
This third president bought land that doubled the size of the United States without regard to the Constitution (he didn't have the power to purchase land). This purchase was called The Louisianna Purchase. Who was the President?
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
He explored for France and sailed up the St. Lawrence River.
Who is Cartier?
These are natural resources for the New England colonies.
What are fish and timber (lumber)?
Colonists did not have a say in what their governments were taxing. They were upset by this unfair treatment. This is what they cried throughout the colonies.
What is "No taxation without representation" ?
This person took notes during the Constitutional Convention. He was a member of Congress and wanted a new system of government. He is the "Father of the Constitution" and wrote the Bill of Rights.
Who is James Madison?
Jefferson chose these two people to explore the new territory.
Who are Lewis and Clark?
Christopher Columbus
Who sailed for Spain in search of a shorter route to Asia but found the islands of the Caribbean (The Bahamas)instead?
This explains why the Southern colonies were better for growing crops than the New England colonies.
What is the Southern colonies did not have the long bitter winters like the New England colonies? OR What is climate?
This happened in 1733. The Sons of Liberty dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act.
What is The Boston Tea Party?
The Delegates argued bitterly over how the new government would be run.Roger Sherman suggested dividing Congress into two parts, or houses. This created the Senate and the House of Representatives. What was this plan called?
What is The Great Compromise?
These were the three things that Jefferson wanted Louis and Clark to do on their exploration.
What is gather information about the landforms, plants, animals, and climates of the West, study the cultures of the western Indians, and explore the Missouri and Columbis Rivers?
This Native American group was located in the Pacific Northwest and used cedar trees as their main resource.
Who were the Kwakiutl?
In the middle colonies of Philadelphia and New York, these people made items such as silver spoons and boots. They were experts in their field.
What are artisans?
This colonists defended the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre and later became the second President of the United States.
Who is John Adams?
The Delegates also argued over this practice. It led to the Three-Fifths Rule.
What is slavery?
These were 2 inventions that help increase Western Expansion and make travel easier.
What are the Steam Locomotive and the Steamboat?
This is where the Hopi Indians settled.
What is the Southwest or Arizona?
This is the name for the British government.
What is a Parliament?
Thomas Jefferson wrote this to explain why the colonists should be free.
What is The Declaration of Independence?
This is the first ten amendments to the Constitution.
What is The Bill of Rights?
This took place when many people hurried to the same area to look for gold in the West in 1849.
What is The California Gold Rush?