God tested Abraham
What is he told him to sacrifice his son?
The Liturgical Seasons
What are Ordinary Time, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, and Easter ?
Difference between Adam and everything else God created
What is he can know and love God?
Prayer during Confession
What is the Act of Contrition?
Most important role of priest
What is to consecrate the bread and wine?
Jesus' suffering and death
What is the Passion?
Describes God's call for us to take care of creation
What is Stewardship?
Forming our conscience
What is by doing things and forming good habits?
Short blessing when we begin to pray
What is the Sign of the Cross?
The conversion of bread and wine into the real Body and Blood of Jesus
What is Transubstantiation ?
God's call for us to take care of creation
What is Stewardship?
Reason souls are sent to Purgatory
What is to be purified of sin?
We do this before confession
What examine our conscience?
Prayer where we ask God for good things
What is Prayer of Petition?
Theological Virtues
What are faith, hope and charity(love)?
The leader of the Earthly Church
Who is the Pope ?
Made in the image of God
What are all people?
Two Great Commandments
What is love God, and love your neighbor as yourself?
Someone who prayers for others
What is Intercessor?
Four Cardinal Virtues
What are faith, charity, patience, and peace?
They need to be purified of sin
Who are souls in purgatory?
Leader of the earthly Church
Who is the Pope?
The New Commandment
What is love one another as Jesus loved us?
The prayer where we think about the Mysteries of Jesus
What is The Rosary?
Ahabit of doing the right things
What is virture?