Multiplication & Division
Perimeter and Area
Fractions & Decimals
Addition & Subtraction

What is 96 divided by 6?

What is 16

This is how you find the area of a rectangle or square:
What is multiply the length times the width.
This quadrilateral does NOT have two sets of parallel sides: square, rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram
What is a trapezoid

The fractions 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, and 6/12 are all alike in this way:

What is they are all equivalent to 1/2.


7,295 + 346

What is 7,641


753 x 8

What is 6,024

This is how you find the perimeter of a shape.
What is add the lengths of the sides.

This type of triangle has three angles that all measure less than 90o: acute, obtuse, scalene, or right.

What is acute


Put these fractions in order from the least to the greatest: 2/3, 2/4, 5/6?

What is 2/4, 2/3, 5/6


1,035 - 956

What is 79


794 divided by 3

What is 264 r 2

The length of one side of a square is 7 feet. This is the area of the square: 14 sq. feet, 21 sq. feet, 28 sq. feet, 49 sq. feet
What is 49 sq. feet
Two lines that never cross or intersect, such as in railroad tracks, are called this: reflection, parallel, intersecting, perpendicular
What is parallel

Last week, the Chicago Cubs played baseball for 16.82 hours and the Chicago White Sox played for 16.89 hours. In which place value do these two numbers differ?

What is the hundredths place


23,332 + 56,668

What is 80,000


Dry-erase markers come in packs of 4. Mrs. Powell is ordering dry-erase markers for all of the 5th grade students. If 2 classrooms have 25 students, and one classroom has 29 students, how many packs of markers does Mrs. Powell have to order?

What is 20 packs


The width of a rectangular garden measures 6 feet. The perimeter of the garden measures 42 feet. This is the measurement of the length of the garden.

What is 15 feet


The measurement of a right angle is equal to this many degrees

What is 90 degrees


Which answer is smaller?
5/6 - 3/6 =
10/12 - 8/12 =

10/12 - 8/12 equals 2/12.
5/6 - 3/6 equals 2/6, but
2/6 is the same as 4/12.

2/12 < 4/12, so, 10/12 - 8/12 is smaller. 


10,000 - 7,243

What is 2,757


Last school year, there were 4,276 students at Stevenson High School. This school year, there are 318 fewer students. If each student has 8 notebooks, how many notebooks are there at Stevenson High School this year?

What is 31,664


The perimeter of a square is 24 inches. This is the area of the square.

What is 36 square inches. (36 in.2)

This is a shape with two sets of parallel sides and four right angles: parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid, rectangle
What is a rectangle

Mr. Robertson is building a model rocket. The first night he built 2/8 of the rocket. The next night he built 3/8 of the rocket. How much of the rocket does Mr. Robertson have left to build?

What is 3/8


Ms. Treshansky has $40.00 to spend at the mall. She wants to get lunch and buy new clothes for her kids. She buys two shirts at $6.99 each and six pairs of socks at $2.39 each. This is the approximate amount Ms. Treshansky will have left for lunch: $5.00, $9.00, $12.00, $14.00

What is $14.00