Good Times!

This young man is the brother of two.  He loves music. His behavior once won our class a pizza party.  He has a very cute dog named Bow Bow!

Who is Hayden?


This young lady is the sister of two and she lives by the beautiful Bayville beach.  She has not one, but two, first names.  She is very organized and is a big helper.

Who is Ryan Leigh?


This young lady is the older sister to one.  She lives by the beautiful Bayville beach.  She is creative and has a great sense of humor.  Her first name is very popular in this class!

Who is Alexis?


This young lady is the oldest of three.  No, her first name isn't MISS!  But her first name is VERY popular in this class. She spends some time at Montauk.  Her little brother is super cute!

Who is Lexi?

The field trip where we worked with clay and were eaten by a dinosaur... at least we pretended to be.

What is Garvies Point?


This young man plays hockey and is a Yankees fan.  He "loves to learn." He particularly enjoys our Google Classroom. He likes watching Liberty's Kids during snack time!  Once he taught a funny math lesson on the PB!

Who is Gio?


This young man has a big smile and a kind heart.  He is a hockey player and "one of two."

Who is Luca?


This young lady loves to read, so much so that our bookshelf bulletin board should probably have her name on it!  She is also a good writer. She is the older sister of one. Her first name and her last name are alliterative.

Who is Lilah?


This boy loves sports and making jokes.  He has at least two cousins in fifth grade.  His first and last name are alliterative. 

Who is Ryder?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Starring Sarah Phillips,  James Hiller, Moses, and Samuel Phillips.

What is "Liberty's Kids?"


This young lady loves math.  She is the sister of two and the proud new owner of a beautiful puppy!

Who is June?


This young lady spends a lot of time on the water, and not just because she lives across from the beautiful Bayville beach.  She is a little sister and a good friend. Her name is both "cold and hot."

Who is Tea?

This young man is the youngest of three.  He lives by West Harbor Beach.  He likes baseball and playing music!  He is kind and is a good friend to many.  (Oh, and he has the BEST first name in the class... LOL!)

Who is Mason?


Although he is not in our class, this boy comes in sometimes at the end of the day.  He wears great t shirts!

Who is Damon?


This teacher specializes in "Musical Shenanigans!"

Who is Mrs. Kelly?


This young man is a great friend to many in our class. He is kind, funny, and smart... but don't ask him to carry a box of crayons!

Who is Dylan?


This young lady is the sister to two boys.  She is kind and a great artist.  Her first name rhymes with "peace," which completely fits her peaceful personality!

Who is Rhys?


This young man is the oldest of three.  His baby brother has attended our class parties! He loves sports. He is a proud graduate of 3 VT, and he won't have to take the bus to Locust Valley Middle School!

Who is Axel?


This group of kids sometimes comes in the classroom looking for candy.

Who are the fifth graders?


The field trip where one of us got stung by a bee and we all got a chance to play Blacksmith and Colonial Cook.

What is Blydenburgh Farm?


This young lady has a career in math in her future! She has visited San Francisco and North Carolina this year.  She has the cleanest hands in the world!

Who is Eva?


This young man loves to read.   He told us many interesting facts about Nathan Hale!  Be careful if you visit his house... we've heard his cat is dangerous when hiding under the couch!

Who is Matthew?


This young lady loves to sing.  She is known for getting out of her seat and dancing!  She originated the "LABEL LABEL LABEL" song.  She enjoys making the "goat face" at Ms. Mason. 

Who is Alexa?


This poor kid!  We blamed him for everything that went wrong, from missing papers to broken crayons.  You will see him at the Middle School in two years.

Who is Dylan Burns?


This was the Christmas ornament we made for our families this year.

A Christmas "snow globe" featuring our pictures!