Islamic Studies
Islamic Studies II
Extra Islamic Studies

What is dua?

Dua is a way of asking Allah for help or blessings


What is the name of the vowel on top of the letter?




When a person is in the grave, they will be asked three questions. What are these 3 questions? What are their answers? 

1. Who is your lord? Allah

2. What is your religion? Islam

3. Who is this man? Prophet Muhammad


Name all the 5 prayers

Fajr, Dhuhr, ASR, Maghreb, Isha 


What was the name of the prophet who was sent to the people of Thamud? Hint: Camel

Prophet Saleh 


What should you say when you want to thank someone? 

جزاك الله خيرًا

Jaza Kallahu Khayran

May the Almighty reward you with goodness


Read this without pausing



How long will the Day of judgement be?

It will be 50,000 years


What is the name of the prayer we pray after Isha in Ramadan, it is either 8 or 20 Ra’kahs



How many times a day do we read Surah Fatiha in our Fard (mandatory) prayers?

17 times


What is the dua of seeking knowledge

‏ربي يزيدني علما

Rabbi zidni ilma

My Lord, increase me in knowledge


Recite this, Make sure you apply the rule

Shaykh will write it.

Shaykh will determine if it was right


Why should we sit down when using the restroom?

If you stand up, there’s a high chance that urine will get on your clothing, and as a result your salah will not count. It is also the Sunnah or the way of the prophet Muhammad to sit down. 


What is the name of the prayer we pray when we come to the masjid? The 2 Rakahs, what is it called, and why do we do it?

Tahiyyatul Masjid


Allah made the people of the cave sleep for how long?

300 Years


What should one say before entering and after exiting the bathroom? 

How should they enter and exit the bathroom? (Which feet to use?)

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبآءث

Allahumma Innee Au’thobika min Al-Khubthi wa Al-Khabaa’ith

Walk in with left Foot



Say While Exiting with Right foot


Recite this, make you sure apply the Rule

Shaykh will write it.

Shaykh will determine if you have recited it correctly


Ismaiel is praying Taraweeh at the masjid in Ramadan. He wants to focus so he pulls out his phone while the Imam is reciting so he can follow him on his Quran app. Does this break his salah or is he fine?

It breaks his salah because he used something from outside of his prayer inside his prayer, it is also unnecessary movement. 

He should just try to focus by listening to the shaykh reciting.


What happens if a person laughs out loud in salah? 

It will break their Wudu and they will have to repeat their prayer


What is the awrah for a man and woman?

What do they need to cover? 

Men: From belly button to the knees

Women: Everything except for the hands, face, and feet 


What is the dua for seeking protection?

رَبَّنَا ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى وَلِوَٰلِدَىَّ وَلِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ يَوۡمَ يَقُومُ ٱلۡحِسَابُ

Rabbanagh-fir lee wali waalidayya wa lilmu’mineena Yawma yaqoomul-hisaab.

Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents, and the believers on the Day when the reckoning will be established.


Recite Surah An-Naas and Surah Al-Falaq

Shaykh will Determine whether it is good enough


Explain the Process of Witr

Yes, it will because there is blood in it even if it is less than a handful. 


Stand with your group and lead 2 rak’ah of prayer.

Shaykh will determine if it is good enough


Why is it important to avoid having bad friends, and to make sure you surround yourself with good religious people? 

Your friends will influence you, and if you have bad friends they may take you to the hellfire. Good friends will influence you for the better and remind you about Allah, and being a good Muslim, and they will take you to Jannah إن شاء الله