Name that Nutrient
Intuitive Eating Skills
Miscellaneous Facts
4th of July Facts Cont.
Food Safety

Corn is a type of whole grain. What is the difference between a refined grain vs whole grain. When might you want to incorporate refined grains in the diet?

Answer: Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel (bran, germ, endosperm). They contain more fiber and some additional vitamins and minerals. 

-Refined grains have less fiber and are easier to digest. 


Name one way to practice using the "Satisfaction Factor" on the 4th of July. 

What is: trying a dessert; adding a condiment to a burger; etc. 

This was the year America won its hard-fought independence
What is 1776

The Liberty Bell rings this many times every Independence Day to honor the 13 original states. 

What is 13


This is the internal temperature beef must reach to be safe to consume.

What is 160?


Watermelon is rich in these two vitamins. 

What are Vitamins A and C.


Some family members at the 4th of July cookout are talking about going on the Keto diet. How would you handle this situation using skilled learned from "Reject the Diet Mentality"?

What is: leave the conversation; introduce a new topic; etc. 

Most American flags are imported from what country?
What is China

Americans spend over $1 billion on what every year?

What is fireworks?


What is cross-contamination?

What is: the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect. 


Hamburgers are rich in this mineral. 

What is Iron? 

You are eating with family on the 4th of July. You have one plate of food that "meets" your Meal Plan, however, you realize you are not quite satisfied. What do you do?

What is: add a few more items to the plate.. my Meal Plan is just the minimum!

this is the number of colonies in the United States before the Declaration of Independence was signed
What is 13

There are 33 places in the United States with the word ____ in their names. 

What is "liberty"?


Your uncle is cutting raw chicken on a cutting board to prepare for your upcoming bbq. He then goes to cut up a bell pepper on the same cutting board. Did he do anything wrong?

What is yes, he should use a separate cutting board and knife, as this cross contamination. He could also wash with soap and water between. 

Lemonade is rich in this Vitamin. 

What is Vitamin C? (lemons)


Your aunt at the 4th of July cookout keeps making comments about her body and that she "now needs to go on a diet after eating this meal." 

What could you say to her? 

What is: change the subject; provide education on why dieting does not work, etc. 


The ___________ bell, located in Philadelphia, is known for its signature crack right down the middle(tee hee!).

What is Liberty Bell


Every 4th of July, 150 million ___ are consumed in the US. 

What are hot dogs?

This is the temperature danger zone. 

What is 40-140 degrees. This is the temp at which bacteria grow and thrive. 


Ketchup and mustard have their own guidelines (portions) in the guidelines book. 

True, these condiments are "to taste." You can add to food to add flavor without covering up the taste of food. 


You just had a piece of dessert at the cookout and are now feeling anxious. What are some skills you could use in the moment to cope with these feelings?

What are: distraction, mindfulness, opposite action, etc. 
On this flag, named after its creator, the 13 stars are situated in a circle along with 13 stripes
What is the Betsy Ross flag

These three foods are the most popular grilled side dishes on the 4th. 

What are corn (41%), potatoes (41%) and other veggies (32%).

True or false: You can let raw meat thaw out on the kitchen counter. 
What is false, the raw meat would enter into the temperature danger zone (40-140 F). You can place it in the fridge or microwave frozen meat to room temp.