The pisces zodiac shows two of these animals
What are fish?
These are used to help fish breathe
This green vegetable is 95% water
What is a cucumber?
The number of signs in the zodiac
What is 12?
Devices used to look at the stars from earch
Pisces span these two months of the year
What are February and March?
This is the most common fish used for food in the US
What is shrimp?
The human brain is about this percentage of water
What is 70%?
These are red octagons
What are stop signs?
Building designed to look at the stars
What is an observatory?
This is the position of pisces in the Zodiac
What is last?
This Barzilian fish's name means scissors
What is piranha?
Humans can live approximately this long without water
What is one week?
The meaning of a triangular yellow sign with an exclamation mark in it
What is caution?
This is the largest constellation by area
What is Hydra?
This is the element of Pisces
What is water?
A shark is the only type of fish to have these
Approximately this much of the Earth's surface is water
What is 80%?
This uses the abbreviation ASL
What is American Sign Language?
This is the number of constellations identified
What is 88?
The ruling planet of Pisces
What is Neptune?
This is another name for fish eggs
Water consists of these three atoms
What is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom?
Large signs commonly found along highways. Can be digital or printed.
What are billboards?
This constellation named after a hunter is the most visible across the world
What is Orion?