Which weather pattern has the most influence on weather in NC?
Prevailing westerlies move weather from west to east across the US
What does a cold front looks like on a weather map?
blue triangles
Puffy, white clouds
Cumulus Clouds
An instrument to record the amount of rainfall at a given area
Rain gauge
The best place to be during a tornado warning
Basement or lowest level bathroom/closet, no windows
What affects the coast of North Carolina causing it to receive less snow than the rest of the state during the winter?
The Gulf Stream
What type of weather do you experience with a warm front?
warmer temperatures, rain
Tall cumulus clouds that bring thunderstorms
Cumulonimbus clouds
An instrument that measures air pressure
The worst place to be during a tornado warning
Mobile home/RV, outside, in a car
If you lived in the Southern Hemisphere what season would you likely experience in August?
When two air masses meet and DO NOT MOVE for a long time, bringing about long periods of precipitation
stationary front
Thin, wispy clouds made of ice crystals
Cirrus clouds
An instrument that measures wind speed
Explain the difference between a funnel cloud and a tornado
A funnel cloud is when you have rotation extending from a storm or cloud base.
When that rotation extends to and reaches the ground, it is considered a tornado.
In winter, if there's a dip in the jet stream over the east coast, what weather condition would the east coast experience?
Colder than normal temperatures
This front forms when a warm air mass gets caught between two cold air masses
Occluded front
Thick, gray clouds that often bring rain
Stratus clouds or Nimbostratus clouds
An instrument that measures the amount of humidity in the air
The difference between a watch and a warning
Watch: the ingredients are there, pay attention to the weather, storms/tornadoes could happen but aren't happening yet
Warning: A tornado is likely occurring, seek shelter immediately
Describe why the winds at the beach change direction from day to night.
Double Points: Describe land breeze and sea breeze (which way do the winds blow? day or night? what's cooler land or sea?)
Because the temperature over land and water change, causing the wind to change direction.
Land breeze- from land to sea, happens at night
Sea breeze- from sea to land, happens during day
What happens when two air masses (cold air and warm air) meet?
The cold air will sink and the warm air will rise over the cold air.
a cloud of small air droplets suspended over the earth’s surface
A small instrument package that is suspended below a weather balloon and measures pressure, temperature, and relative humidity
How are tornadoes different from hurricanes?
- Tornadoes occur on a smaller scale than a hurricane (up to 2 miles wide v. hundreds wide)
- Tornado winds are much stronger (up to 300 mph v less than 180 mph for hurricane)
- Tornado lasts minutes to hours, hurricane can last weeks
- Minutes of warning v. several days warning
- More tornadoes every year compared to # of hurricanes