Chain of command
Corps Goals
Uniform wear
General Knowledge


5 Jumping Jacks

Donald J. Trump


Percentage of Cadets that must have a 3.0 GPA or higher

5 Crutches 



Example of a uniform restriction

5 push-ups 

5. 3. 1 "For example, cadets may not wear the uniform while hitchhiking, in student demonstrations, for crowd control, political events, or for any other inappropriate activity."

[Enlisted insignia ranks can not be put on hats and hats may not be worn on school grounds]


Ribbon you received if you went through COVID 

5 burpees

Resilience ribbon


when was the USAF introduced to the United States military 

15 second plank

September 18, 1947


ASI and Sasi

7 jumping jacks

MSgt Collett and Lt. Col. Johnson


Percentage of cadets that must participate in at least one LDR

7 crutches 



One don't while in uniform wear

7 push-ups 

5.3.4 "Dont's •Don't swear or use profanity while in uniform. •Don't wear the uniform with other clothing. •Don't not hug, kiss, hold hands with your significant other while in uniform. PDA is not allowed. •Don't allow articles such as wallets, pencils, pens, watch chains, lanyards, checkbooks, handkerchiefs, and combs to be visible. •Don't wear earphones or headphones while in uniform, unless required for duty. •Don't chew gum in uniform. •Don't carry pagers or cell phones, unless required for duty. (When required for duty, they must be clipped to the waistband or purse or be carried in the left hand when not in use.)"

[no headphones, don't chew gum, no PDA, no use of profanity  ]


How to receive the patriotic flag ribbon

7 burpees 

"Patriotic Flag Ribbon: Is a ribbon awarded for participation in non-color guard events specifically designed to honor our nation's flag. Such events include flag raising ceremonies, flag retirement ceremonies, flag folding ceremonies, and historical flag demonstrations. In order to receive this award, cadets must have participated in a minimum of 5 flag events. Raising or lowering the school flag in the morning or afternoon will count as one event each for every 5 flag raisings or lowerings." 

[ you must properly retire the flag]


Last line of the 1st verse of the Air Force song

30 second plank

"Nothing will stop the U.S Air Force!"


who are the corp commander and the deputy corp commander

(state name and rank)

10 Jumping jacks 

cadet Col Cora Yeary and cadet Lt Col Abby Keener


How many cadets must be recruited into the program?

10 crutches

5% revamp


One do while in uniform

10 pushups

5.3.4 "Do's Wear the standard Air Force service uniform, per AFI 36-2903, properly and with pride. •Wear the uniform on the day established by the SASI. •Wear uniform at other times specified by the SASI. •Wear uniform when you fly on military aircraft. •Keep your shoes polished and shined, including the heels and edges of soles. •Make sure your shoes are appropriate for the activity. For example, wear athletic shoes if you're playing sports on an athletic field or boots if walking through heavy foliage (snakes!) Safety is the major concern. •Ensure that badges, insignia, belt buckles, and other metallic devices are clean and free of scratches and corrosion. •Keep ribbons clean and replace them when they become worn, frayed, or faded. •Launder the blue shirt regularly to prevent staining and ring around the collar."

[all cleaned and properly worn ribbons, Shined shoes, properly clean uniform]


What percentage of the corps do you need to be in to receive the superior performance ribbon?

10 burpees

Top 10%


Shoulder patch sides

1 minute plank

5.3.12 "Shoulder Patches. Wear of the AFJROTC official shoulder patch (left sleeve) and Bell County High School patch (right sleeve) is mandatory on all items except AWC."

Blue patch on the right white patch on the left 


who is our Inspector General

15 jumping jacks 

Cadet Capt Cole Jones 


How many quarterly community service events participate in?

13 crutches 

At least one


What color can a finger not be in uniform? 

13 push-ups 

5.5.5 "Fingernail polish, if worn by female cadets, will be a single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female cadet's complexion, detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. Some examples of extreme color included, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red, and fluorescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors"

[Gold, Blue, Black, Bright colores(Fire engine red)]


How to get the activities ribbon

13 burpees

"Activities Ribbon. Is a ribbon awarded for participation in Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) activities other than those that qualify for a ribbon on the ribbon chart. These include, but are not limited to, model rocketry clubs, sports teams, and any other LDR team event that does not currently have a ribbon on the ribbon chart."

[by participating in multiple LDR's such as rocketry,flight sim,astronamy, Marksmaship]


15th step of the 30 step drill sequence 

1:25 plank

Forward, March!


name all of our squadron Leaders

(state name and rank) 

25 jumping jacks 

cadet Maj Heidee Saylor, cadet maj Parker Veach, cadet Maj Haley Overton


How many cadets must participate in a non mandatory community service event?

15 crutches

EVERY cadet


How fingernails are supposed to look in uniform?

15 push-ups 

5.5.5 "However, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Fingernails must not exceed ½4-inch in length beyond the tip of the finger, and must be clean and well-groomed" 

[(French tips) must be clean and can not exceed 4 inches]


Every LDR ribbon

(name at least four)

15 burpees 

Drill Team Ribbon, Color Guard Ribbon, Marksmanship Team Ribbon, Joint Leadership Academic Bowl Ribbon, CyberPatriot Ribbon, StellarXplorers Ribbon, Raiders Team Ribbon, Military Model Building Team Ribbon, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Ribbon, and Robotics Ribbon.


What are Z, G, J, O, and X in the phonetic alphabet?

1:45 minute plank

Zulu, Golf, Juliet, Oscar, and Xray