Gunfights and Shooting

Battle Royale
Common Terms

Repeatedly jumping while shooting or moving fast.

What is Bunny-Hopping?


Aiming at a single spot for a long period of time.  Used if waiting for an enemy to appear around a corner or wall.

What is pre aiming?

A dangerous ring around a marked circle on the map that gradually encroaches further into the map as the game progresses.

What is the circle/zone/storm?


Spending a large amount of time on a game to unlock or gain a new skill, weapon, etc.

What is grinding?


Not playing during a game or performing no actions.  Person is typically away from their console or PC.

What is being AFK?


Moving out of an enemy's view to get behind them for an attack.

What is flanking?

Shooting at an enemy position before they actually appear to wallbang or make them walk into bullets.

What is pre-firing?


A teammate that is out of action, typically crawling or laying on the ground waiting to be healed.

What is a downed teammate?


An unintended feature in a game that is usually negative.  An error in code.

What is a glitch?


Losing the whole game for the team with a mistake.

What is throwing


Sitting in one position for an extended period of time, typically for safety.

What is Camping?


More commonly used as a term to describe messing up an action or fight.

What is choking?


Putting a teammate back into the game after they have died.  Examples: Respawn banner, Respawn Bus, Buy Station

What is redeploying?


A term describing how weapons in a game have no bullet velocity and immediately hit targets as soon as the shot is fired or very quickly after.

What is hitscan?


A weapon, character, or object's statistics are significantly improved in a game with an update.

What is a buff?


Sliding and then quickly pressing jump to move faster.  A harder movement skill to master.  Only found in select few games.

What is slide canceling?

Killing people without yourself being killed; no trading.

What is playing for picks?

A final area that is typically quite small where the dangerous zone gets smaller and smaller to a single point where the whole map is the zone.  The ending of the game is usually here.

What is the final circle?


Commonly used app found on PC and Mobile that is used for voice chat and text chat.  Servers that include many people can be made.  Popular among people in the gaming community and is free.

What is Discord?

A person who plays a game very seriously. Usually playing to win instead of have fun and are very skilled in said game.

What is a sweat?

Missing or messing up an important gunfight or shot to lose the game or round.  Exclusive to Valorant and few other games.

What is Whiffing?


An annoying skin in a battle royale game used by sweats that is hard to see.

What is Roze?