Michael's favourite drink has bitters, sugar, water, and bourbon or whiskey. What's the name of his favourite drink?
Old fashioned
Ryan had two birds when he was younger. What kind of birds were they?
Rene plays a musical instrument! What does he play?
Piano - I wonder if he's better than Kartik!
Vishwas watches a tv show about a post-apocalyptic future where Earth was ruined. What's the name of that show?
The 100
What is the name of the egg that Casey uses as her Slack photo?
Kartik's favourite type of drink is also the name of a popular brand of tape. What's his favourite drink?
Raphael got a puppy! His name is a popular activity where you wear camo and neon orange at the same time. What's the name of his puppy?
Sahana's hobby is awesome because she gets to share the results with her friends and family, but only if she's feeling generous. What is her hobby?
Parm's favourite movie is about a serial killer that stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr. What's the name of his favourite movie?
What colour was Casey's hair at her first interview with Guidewire?
Tapan's favourite drink is tasty cold deliciousness. It's a popular drink made with milk and flavoured sauce. What kind of drink is it?
Chocolate milkshake with no ice
We all know Sanjay is an awesome DJ. What's his other hobby that he used to like to do at the Guidewire office?
Watching planes land/take off
Bob's favourite show has a really distinct sound that plays when they show the title. It goes "duhn duhn". What's his favourite show?
Law & Order: SVU
Jessin shares her favourite hobby with Leonardo DaVinci, Monet, and Van Gogh. What's her hobby?
What does Casey think everyone should do in warm weather?
Spend time in a river
Where was Casey's favourite place to work in 2020? (Location, not company. Company was obviously Guidewire lol)