Traduire en français: It's nice out
Il fait beau
An erasable writing implement
un crayon
un crayon (blue)
A class where you study past facts and famous people
What are these four words in English: lycée, maternelle, collège, université?
high school, elementary, middle school, university/college
Traduire en français: Il y a du vent
It's windy / There is wind
Something to hold all your pens, pencils, and various supplies
une trousse
Write the correct form of the color in French: une règle (yellow)
A class where you study books, grammar, and other language skills
anglais (français in France)
French tests and assignments are always worth how many points?
Traduire en anglais: Il n'y a pas de soleil
There's no sun
A measuring tool
une règle
Write the correct form of the color in French: un cahier (white)
A class where you study cells, animals, and life systems
la biologie / les sciences
French students need to pass what major test in order to graduate from High School?
Le Bac, or Le Baccalaureat
Traduire en anglais: le brouillard
J'ai besoin de ____ pour mon cours de maths
une calculatrice
Write the correct form of the color in French: une calculatrice (red)
A class where you study numbers and equations
les mathématiques, l'algèbre, la géometrie
How do you say "can I go" and "can I have" in French?
puis-je aller, puis-avoir
Respond in French: Quel temps fait-il?
Il fait ____ [answers will vary]
J'ai besoin de ____ pour mon cours de litérature
un livre (answers may vary)
Write the correct form of the color in French: une chaise (white)
A class focused on health and exercise
éducation physique et sportive (EPS)
How do you say "how do you say" in French?
comment dit-on?