Who had a previous job as a touring bike guide?
What is the acronym for the project planning tool that streamlines the USFWS environmental review process?
Known for the book Silent Spring, this environmentalist served as an aquatic biologist and editor-in-chief for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Rachel Carson
Following a recent court order, this species regained protection under the ESA; with the exception of the Northern Rocky Mountain population, it is federally threatened in the state of Minnesota and endangered in the remaining states.
Gray wolf (Canis lupus)
This federal agency was created in 1970 to “protect human health and safeguard the natural environment".
US Environmental Protection Agency
Whose favorite hobby is foraging wild edibles?
What is the acronym for “is a publicly available resource provided by USFWS that provides detailed information on the abundance, characteristics, and distribution of US wetlands”?
The US Fish and Wildlife Service started out in this year as the U.S. Commission on Fish and Fisheries.
This region is the responsible/lead region for 51 listed threatened and endangered species, including 12 species of freshwater mussels.
Midwest region
This federal agency is tasked with the mission of sustaining the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
USDI Bureau of Land Management
Who loves growing, identifying, photographing, pressing, and eating, and teaching people about plants?
What is the acronym for "the USFWS organization that consolidates Regional and Headquarters budget and administration functions"?
This U.S. President established the first national wildlife refuge, Pelican Island NWR.
Theodore Roosevelt
This species was elevated to a state endangered species by the Minnesota DNR in 2013. Due to its range-wide and rapid decline it was listed as federally threatened in 2014.
Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae)
This federal agency works closely with the USFWS to support the conservation of threatened and endangered species. It is divided into 9 different regions across the country, encompassing over 193 million acres of forests and grasslands.
USDA Forest Service
Name one of Rose’s inspirational figures in conservation
Rachel Carson
What program provides Federal grant funds to State fish and wildlife agencies for developing and implementing programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species that are not hunted or fished?
This environmental act was established in 1973, recognizing that our rich natural heritage is of "esthetic, ecological, educational, recreational, and scientific value to our Nation and its people."
Endangered Species Act
499 listed species are found in this state, making it the state with the highest number of federally listed species in the country.
This federal agency cares for some of the nation’s most visited natural and cultural resources and is often referred to as “America’s best idea.”
USDI National Park Service
Michelle previously worked as a biological science technician for the USFWS at what National Wildlife Refuge?
San Luis National Wildlife Refuge in California
What is the acronym for “Strategic guidance that will assist the Directorate, project leaders, managers and supervisors, and their employees in their efforts to build and maintain a diverse, inclusive, and highly qualified workforce"?
This cartoonist and conservationist helped establish and design the very first Duck Stamp in 1934.
Jay "Ding" Darling
The northern-long eared bat has drastically declined across the northeast from an infectious disease that is caused by what fungus?
Pseudogymnoascus destructans
With more than 80% of Americans living in urban areas, this federal agency developed the Urban Wildlife Conservation Program to create relevant nature and outdoor connections, provide equitable access to green spaces, and foster a new generation of conservation stewards.
USDI Fish and Wildlife Service