The name of the top number in a fraction
What is a numerator
1/4 of 8
What is 2
Pick the correct answer: Greater than, less than or equal to
1/2 3/4
What is < less than
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
1/10 1/5 1/4 1/8
What is 1/10 1/8 1/5 1/4
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
1/4 3/4 5/4 2/4
What is 1/4 2/4 3/4 5/4
The name of the number on the bottom of the fraction
What is a denominator
1/2 of 12
What is 6
Pick the correct answer: Greater than, less than or equal to
2/6 5/10
What is < less than
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
2/2 2/6 2/3 2/10
What is 2/10 2/6 2/3 2/2
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
4/10 6/10 1/10 11/10
What is 1/10 4/10 6/10 11/10
The name for a fraction that has 1 in the numerator (1/2 or 1/3)
What is a unit fraction
1/5 of 25
What is 5
Pick the correct answer: Greater than, less than or equal to
6/8 1/4
What is > more than
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
6/8 6/12 6/5 6/6
What is 6/12 6/8 6/6 6/5
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
8/6 14/6 1/6 5/6
What is 1/6 5/6 8/6 14/6
Fractions that are equal (1/2 = 2/4)
What is an equivalent fraction
2/3 of 6
What is 4
Pick the correct answer: Greater than, less than or equal to
5/8 1/4
What is > greater than
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
4/10 4/6 4/5 4/8
What is 4/10 4/8 4/6 4/5
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
1/9 3/9 12/9 9/9
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
1/9 3/9 9/9 12/9
What is an improper fraction
2/5 of 10
What is 4
Pick the correct answer: Greater than, less than or equal to
2/8 1/4
What is = equal to
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
5/12 5/1 5/10 5/8
What is 5/12 5/10 5/8 5/1
Order these fractions from least to greatest:
4/1 6/1 14/1 3/1
What is 3/1 4/1 6/1 14/1