What is the numerator of the following fraction:
Are the two area models equivalent?
Multiply the following by 3 to find an equivalent fraction for the following fraction:
Which fraction is larger?
1/5 , 1/4
Which fractions are greater than 3/6? Choose all that apply.
2/6 , 5/6, 8/6, 3/5, 1/8
5/6, 8/6, and 3/5
What is the denominator of the following fraction:
Are the two area models equivalent?
True or False?
A fraction that has the same number in the numerator and the denominator is equal to 1.
Which fraction is smaller?
2/8 , 3/8
What is one common denominator for the following fractions:
2/4, 4/5
20, 40, 80, 120, 160
What fraction is missing from the number line?
Write two fractions for the point on the number line below:
1/2, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, etc...
Name two fractions that are equivalent to
6/10, 9/15, 12/20, 15/25, 30/50, 300/500, etc...
What common denominator will you change 4/5 to:
4/5 , 3/15
John rides his bike for 4/8 of an hour and Mike rides his bike for 4/6 of an hour. Fill in the blank to compare the fractions.
4/8 ____ 4/6
less than
A candy bar is broken into 8 equal pieces. What is the fraction for the size of EACH PIECE?
Andrea ordered a cake and said she would cut it into eighths to share with her friends. Below is a picture of what the slices of that cake look like. Did she cut the cake into eighths? How do you know?
No, because the pieces are not equal sized pieces.
Which fraction is equivalent to 1/3?
a. 1/6
b. 2/6
c. 4/6
d. 5/6
b. 2/6
Compare these fractions using < , > , =
4/6 , 3/4
4/6 < 3/4
3/6 is equal to 1/2 and 7/8 is greater than 1/2, so......
Fill in each blank with one of the symbols >,<, or =
3/6 _______ 7/8
less than
What fraction is missing from the number line?
Write two fractions for the point on the number line below:
2/7, 4/14, 6/21, 8/28, etc...
Ms. Jamie has a candy bar cut into sixths and eats 3 pieces with her lunch. Mr. Matt has a candy bar that is the same size cut into eighths, and he eats 4 pieces with his lunch. Who eats more of their candy bar?
They both eat the same amount.
Marsha ran 7/8 of a mile. Joanne ran 5/6 of a mile. Who ran farther or more?
Marsha ran farther or more.
The 8th-grade teachers are collecting cans for the food drive. Ms. Jackson's box is 3/4 of the way full, and Mrs. Gupta's is 4/8 of the way full. Who has more cans in their box?
Ms. Jackson