What is a common denominator?
When fractions have the same denominator
Can you add fractions with unlike denominators?
Yes! You must change the denominators.
What is a mixed number? How is it different from a fraction?
A mixed number has a whole number and a fraction
What on earth is an improper fraction?
When the numerator is greater than the denominator
When you're changing fractions to have a common denominator, can the fraction you multiply by have a different numerator and denominator?
No, they must be the same
How can you find a common denominator of two unlike denominators?
Find the least common multiple or "LCM"
When adding fractions, do you add the numerators or the denominators?
You add the numerators
When adding or subtracting mixed numbers, how should you solve them?
Add or subtract the fraction first then the whole numbers
What do we have to do to improper fractions?
Divide to change them to mixed numbers
What is simplifying a fraction?
Dividing by the same number in the numerator and denominator.
What is the least common denominator of 4 and 6?
When subtracting fractions, what do you subtract?
You subtract the numerators
What parts of a mixed number do you add or subtract when adding or subtracting mixed numbers?
The numerators and the whole numbers
How would you change an improper fraction into a proper fraction?
Divide to change to a mixed number
When a numerator is greater than a denominator, what is that called?
Improper Fraction
What is a least common multiple?
The smallest number or multiple that two numbers have in common
What is 3/4 + 2/4?
5/4 or 1 and 1/4
What is 2 5/6 + 1 5/6?
3 and 10/6 or 4 and 4/6 or 4 and 2/3
How would you rename 10/8?
1 and 2/8 or 1 and 1/4
How do you convert a mixed number to an improper fraction?
Multiply down and add up
(Multiply the whole number by the denominator, then add it to the numerator)
What is the least common multiple of 7 and 6?
What is 8/6 + 7/6?
15/6 or 2 and 3/6 or 2 and 1/2
What is 4 2/6-1 1/6?
3 and 1/6
How would you rename 3 7/4?
4 and 3/4
Why are fractions useful in everyday life? Give an example.
Examples could include: making recipes, dividing things amongst people, sports stats, and so many more!