The reason 2/3 + 1/3 can be added together
What is the same denominator? (equal parts)
The reason 2/3 - 1/3 can be subtracted
What is the same denominator?
Process of multiplying fractions
What is multiplying the numerator with the numerator and the denominator with the denominator?
A fraction that has a 1 as a numerator
What is a unit fraction?
In what state are the Pittsburgh Steelers located?
Where is Pennsylvania?
If two fractions are added together but do not have the same denominator. Find the...
What is the greatest common factor?
If two fractions are added together but do not have the same denominator. Find the...
What is the greatest common factor?
Process to reduce a fraction to its simplest for BEFORE multiplying the fractions
What is the Butterfly Method or Cross simplifying?
Process to reduce a fraction to its simplest form
What is simplifying?
The Steelers are in the playoffs. Who do they play this weekend?
Who are the Baltimore Ravens?
3/5 + 2/10 = Answer and simplified answer
What is 8/10 or 4/5
3/7 - 2/10 = Answer and Simplified Answers
A word that represents multiplication?
What is the word "of?"
Fractions that have different numerators and denominators BUT represent the SAME VALUE
What are equivalent fractions?
What is the name of the Steelers best player? (he plays defense)
Who is TJ Watt
3/8 + 4/24 = Answer and Simplified Answer
5 1/3 - 4 3/4
What is 7/12?
Name of a fraction that has a whole number and a fraction
What is a mixed number?
This fraction is when the numerator is greater than the denominator
What is an improper fraction?
How many Super Bowl Championships do the Steelers have?
What is 6?
The word that represents the answer in an addition problem.
What is sum?
A word that represents the answer is subtraction
What is difference?
3/10 x 5/11
What is 15/110 or 3/22?
Name the method when you want to change a mixed number into an improper fraction
What is the C-Method?
Mr. Westerman and his oldest son went to Pittsburgh last year to watch the Steelers. Who did they play?
Who is the Jacksonville Jaguars?